Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2091 Give you the scales

Chapter 2091 Give You the Scales (57)

He held her waist, very quietly.

Because he can't speak, he just listens quietly.

Usually she will do whatever she says, and he will be very obedient and listen to her.

Yun Si knew his silent reaction, if he didn't resist, he just acquiesced.

What she says is what she says.

She is smiling.

"So nice."

In fact, he is not good.

Just, willing to listen to her.

The mermaid with a bad temper and a dark heart leaned quietly on her body, thinking peacefully.

The surrounding low-frequency magnetic field changes invisibly, without any rules, and no one can detect it.

Only the person holding his hand could probably feel something, and rubbed his head soothingly.

He lowered his eyes, unresponsive.

It's like getting used to it.




Yun Si took a certain fish that was throwing a tantrum to meet her father.

I met in secret and didn't alarm any higher-ups.

After the confrontation with Mr. President happened, General Yun retired directly and stepped down from the front line of command.

Now, the empire is torn apart, the heroes are divided, and the war is raging. Old General Yun could have come out to preside over the overall situation.

It's just that he has been disappointed with the whole decayed country, and has no confidence at all.

Instead of participating in it and watching a huge empire collapse, it is better to retreat to the [-]th line and be a transparent old man who doesn't care about world affairs.

In the last few years of his life, he no longer wanted to participate in any intrigue.

Disappointment and pessimism are his only attitudes towards the empire.

When Yun Si brought her own fish to see him, he was already very old, with gray hair and wrinkled and freckled face.

Living in a detached villa deep in the mountains, he is watched over by a robot nurse in charge.

Maybe it's because he no longer participates in outside affairs, or maybe it's because the robot takes good care of him and his spirit is very good.

It doesn't look like an old man who is nearly eighty years old.

The majestic momentum of the superior is vaguely present.

Seeing his only daughter, and the fish sticking to her side, which looked no different from humans, the old general didn't ask much.

It was as if they already knew about their relationship.

This meeting was just a simple conversation.

The common words that daughters talk about every day when they visit their father.

Once a year, at a fixed time.

Bring a certain big tail fish and go back to her natal home.

Every time when chatting about homework, a certain fish can't speak, but only listens.

By the way, sticking to Yun Si's body.

The whole body seemed to have no bones, leaning lazily on her shoulder.

Playing with her hair while listening.

Sometimes I even braid her hair and tie her ponytail without a teacher.

Take care of yourself and have a great time.

Like an immature child.

Old General Yun looked at it, and frowned at first, displeased.

Even disgusted.

After all, he is a fish.

It is still a piranha who has a blood feud with humans.

No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't accept that his only daughter was with a fish.

Simply unacceptable.

But then, as the years passed, every time the daughter came to visit, she would bring her fish.

The beautiful and tall merman probably really likes his daughter. In front of her, there is almost no vicious venom that is unique to piranhas.

On the contrary, it looks very docile and quiet.

Like a tamed tiger, although its fangs have not been removed, it will not hurt anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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