Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2093 Give you the scales

Chapter 2093 Give You the Scales (59)

After Yun Si sorted out the things she brought back from the earth, the fish that had been soaking in the bottom of the sea for a long time finally came ashore.

The beautiful and flawless silver tail turned into strong and hard legs, and the curly hair like silk threads of moonlight was wet, sticking to the forehead, and the cold, wet and salty water fell drop by drop.

It falls on the shoulders and slides on the textured abs.

All the way down the legs, leaving wet footprints on the ground.

One, after another, on the clean, cold ground.

Barefoot, broad shoulders, thin waist.

There was no shelter on his body, so he went ashore naked.

Then, like a ghost, appeared behind her.

Without making a sound, as if he was sniping at a hunting beast, he hugged him in an instant.

The body is wet, and the smell of sea water is wet and salty.

The breath is strong and violent, the breath is cold, and the chest rises and falls.

Between her neck, bowed his head and hugged her.

The silver hair, which was still dripping with water, was so caught off guard that it stuck to her face.

It's cold, and it's cool.

Especially for human beings, such a temperature is like an invisible needle of ice, which is too cold.

The warm blood vessels in the human body are stimulated to shrink instantly, and the body can't help shrinking a bit.

She had just washed her hands when she was hugged like this.

The people behind were hugging tightly, very quiet, still unable to make a sound.

The low-frequency magnetic field is changing at a high speed, although with the help of human senses, it cannot be felt at all.


She could feel the change in his body.

His body, which was stiff and icy from soaking in sea water, was slowly heating up.

Gradually warm up, warm up, and return to the temperature of normal people.

Then, continue to heat up.

Start warm and gradually increase to hot.

Has not stopped.

The body temperature changes quickly, and I can clearly feel it...

what he wants to express.

Very direct and eager.

"..." The person being held blinked.

He is very good, although he wants to, but he is still waiting for her answer.

Hard hands reached out from behind and grabbed her.

Squeeze her hand, and write and draw on her palm that has just been soaked in water.

Simply write a few words.

Then, period, dot.

Express what he means at the moment.

It is an inquiry and a request.

"..." Although she was a little reluctant to agree to this request.

Yun Si lowered her eyes, grabbed his hand, and thought about it.

Being embraced like this, his bare chest as hard as a stone pressed against her tightly.

The wet sea water all over her body was stuck to her clothes.

His back seemed to be half wet.

Sticking to the body, a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the water was cold, but his body was hot.

Like an overheated stove, it warmed her and baked her.

Not to feel cold.

Water droplets dripped from her wet silver hair onto her neck, and flowed down her collar into her collarbone.

She flinched a bit, pursed her lips, thought about the words of rejection, and was about to write in the palm of his hand——

But he couldn't wait.

He hugged her up.

Someone trying to say no: "!"

The only piranha on this tiny planet was smart and impatient.

He seemed to know that she would refuse, so he didn't give her a chance to refuse.

Gag her mouth and hold her hand.

He pushed her directly onto the bed.

The special bed is big and soft.

It's all stuffed with velvet, and lying on it, it's like being surrounded by clouds.

Soft and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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