Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2094 Give you the scales

Chapter 2094 Give You the Scales (End)
He is fierce and fierce, and his legs transformed into fishtails are extremely powerful.

Like a python, pressing her tightly.

Can't even break free.

The poor man who was crushed: "..."

The bad fish!




Afterwards, a certain fish with strong physical strength, even though it had just finished exercising, still seemed to be fine.

In high spirits, extremely excited.

He would have done it a few more times, but she begged for mercy and wanted to rest.

He was disobedient at first, but she acted like a baby, with a nice voice.

He can only listen.

According to her request, he carried her outside the laboratory to watch the stars.

On the pitted surface of the planet, the temperature is as cold as tens of degrees below zero.

He held her in his arms, warming her with his own body.

Wrapped in a warm quilt, hugged her, and looked at her lazy and sleepy little face.

Kiss from time to time and lick like a dog.

Tenderness, under the sky full of stars, in the lonely and boundless dark universe.

The two of them, one man and one fish, are so dependent on each other, in such a lonely asteroid.

Looking up at the starry sky, overlooking the depths of the universe.

He can't speak, and he doesn't know how to appreciate such a beautiful and boundless scenery.

But he knew that the universe reflected in her eyes was beautiful.

Like a shooting star, bright and radiant.

Shining brightly, it was prettier than all the prettiest stars he had ever seen.

People can't move their eyes.

The person in his arms, after being forcibly pulled and exercised for a while, his body was weak and tired, and he was sluggish, not wanting to move much.

Just leaning on his hard chest, looking up at the universe with slightly squinted eyes.

Look at the mysterious and vast and magnificent universe.

Maybe it's because the geographical location is too remote, on this small planet, it's just right, you can see the whole universe.

Like a huge ink painting spread out, the pure white dye is casually sprinkled on it bit by bit.

It exudes a soft halo, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

As an ordinary human being, she likes to just sit quietly and look up at the sky.

And every time this time, he would hug her quietly and watch with her.

Cling to each other, rely on each other.

He doesn't speak, and can't speak.

He only held her hand and squeezed it from time to time.

Holding her soft white hand, she lowered her eyes.

The cold white and beautiful eyebrows looked very indifferent, with a sense of indifference beyond the world.

Not interested in external changes.

Just focus on immersing yourself in your own world, staring at her, staring at her bright eyes.

Watch her, serious and focused.

Probably in his eyes, she is the only person he likes.

She is very fragile, so she must be well protected, and she cannot be hurt at all, nor can she be allowed to disappear.

When Yun Si's gaze shifted from the sky to him, it was no surprise that she saw herself in his eyes.

The pure and cold blue pupils are so deep and beautiful that there is no trace of impurities.

Reflects her, through and through.

It was as if he had only himself in his eyes and nothing else.

Straightforward and eager.

She blinked and looked at him, as if smiling.

Come over and give him a kiss.

Smiling, he grabbed his hand with his backhand.

Hard, even the fingers are as hard as a rock, there is no soft place.

She didn't dislike him either, she grabbed him lazily.

There is no need to say anything, there is already a tacit understanding between them.

She played with his hard hand, raised her eyes, and continued to quietly appreciate the vast universe and sky.

She looks at the landscape, and he looks at him.

In this way, in the vast universe of stars and seas, they are silent, but they are always dependent on each other.

Always, accompany you until you grow old.

(End of this chapter)

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