Chapter 2096 Willingly (2)

The prime minister's house hung red silk and brightly lit lanterns, and everyone was busy counting the dowry.

The little son was called up early, no matter how much he cried and how reluctant he was, it was useless.

The wedding dress was forcibly changed, and the red hijab embroidered with beautiful mandarin ducks covered his humiliating tears.

Under the violent rain, among the broken porcelain all over the floor.

He cried all night, but he still couldn't escape the marriage.

His mother and father, who loved him in the past, were tearful, but they were still tough.

After coaxing and persuading him, he was sent to the sedan chair.

At dawn, the sky was overcast and rainy, the clouds were oppressive, and the air was filled with damp and cold water vapor.

Shrouded in thick fog, the sky was dark, and even at noon, the sky was gray, without a single ray of light.

It's so depressing that it feels like you want to suffocate.

In the magnificent and luxurious dowry dragon, the sound of the suona resounded through the sky, as if it wanted to pierce through the thick layer of clouds.

It was raining, but there were still lively and crowded crowds gathered around the street, watching such a spectacular and luxurious wedding one after another.

Sprinkle gold, sprinkle coins, sprinkle wedding candy.

People scrambled and rushed forward.

Like the tide, amidst the pattering rain, noise and laughter are endless.

It almost completely covered up the crying sound coming from the sedan chair.

Like a kitten, subtle and forbearing.

It seemed that in the whole world, he was the only one who was desperate, unwilling, and aggrieved.

Aggrieved by the injustice of this world.

Ten miles of red makeup, a golden and jade marriage, a match made in heaven...

In his eyes, these words are extremely ironic.

It was as if someone forced his head and asked him to eat the dirt on the ground.

A huge insult, never felt disgusting.

He has always been such a delicate young master, huddled in the corner of the sedan chair, covered with a red hijab, and clenched his fists tightly.

The soft and white fingers, the knuckles were so hard that they were almost white, they were hard.

The fingernails had sunk deeply into the flesh of the palm, and it hurt so badly.

He lowered his head and sobbed. On his body was the gorgeous and flamboyant wedding dress that the embroiderer had embroidered for three full months.

It was priceless, but for his beauty, it was the extremely disgusting shackles.

He lowered his head, crying so hard that he couldn't breathe.

The red hijab was almost half soaked.

The sedan chair was still walking, from the prime minister's mansion to the general's mansion where he would be bound for life.

From a warm home to the desperate and helpless cage.

He cried for a long time, and walked this road for a long time.

Keep going, and going, and going.

It was like going to the execution ground, every moment passed, my heart sank heavily.

Like a stone that sank deep into an endless abyss, the whole body was shrouded in darkness, without a trace of light.

As if, can not breathe.

He was sobbing and sobbing. The person who had been spoiled for a long time was now huddled in a corner with extreme insecurity.

Her limbs curled up and hugged herself, like a frightened kitten.

The pitiful cry overflowed from the soaked red hijab, with a deep nasal voice.

I cried until the end, as if I was going to cry all the tears of my life.




Finally, the sedan chair stopped.

The moment it stopped, there was the sound of crackling firecrackers outside.

The children were drenched in the rain, running around happily in the rain, playing hide and seek.

The matchmaker is congratulating and shouting for the auspicious time.

The drums were thundering, and the rain seemed to be getting heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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