Chapter 2098 Willingly (4)

His drenched eyelashes trembled, like a frightened butterfly.

Her porcelain-white plain face was smudged with tears, and the gorgeous rouge color had already melted away.

It seems that the pure snow lotus is stained with that charming dust, dazed but with an inadvertent charm.

It is extremely seductive and can arouse people's desire to destroy.

The visitor leaned slightly in the spacious sedan chair, and the cool and fragrant breath approached him.

His eyes fell on the ground, on her skirt.

There were tears in the corners of the eyes, crystal clear and trembling.

Watching, she held out her hand.

Unexpectedly, the rough hands are very white, and the nails are well manicured.

A slender and thin hand gently covered his.

The touch is not very good, it is the common hand of the sword holder.

But it was very warm, like a stove, as if with her movements, the aroma in the air became stronger.

A trace, as if by magic, got into his breath.

Drilled and drilled, drilled into his trachea, chest cavity, and went straight to the heart.

It seemed that the chill in his heart was dispelled, forcefully dispelled.

Only blank blankness remained.

It's a little overwhelming.

Under his drooping eyelashes, his pupils were moist and trembling, trembling violently.

The soft and moist red lips were tightly pressed.

Everything was silent, only her actions at this time.

Every move seemed to touch his tense nerves.

He stared blankly, in the slightly dim sedan chair, staring fixedly at the hand covering his fist.

She has not spoken, and her actions are very gentle.

It was the tenderness that he had never felt before, which made his heart start beating wildly uncontrollably.

With her breath close at hand, she squatted down on one knee.

He stared at her blankly through the tulle hijab.

Watching her slowly open her hand, and then put a candy.

Red soft, icing sugar stained on top.

It looks very sweet.


Her fingers touched his palm inadvertently.

As if scalded, he withdrew his hand.

He clenched into a fist and shrank behind his back, still holding the candy in his palm.

Grip hard.

It seems to be a little flustered.

Don't even dare to look at her.

His cheeks were hot and red.

If it weren't for the red hijab covering him now, she would definitely be able to see his blushing from his cheeks to his ears.

I have never touched my niece, nor have I had such contact with my niece.

That young man who has been pampered in the deep boudoir for many years, the first time he had such contact with the opposite sex, he would be like this——

His face was red and his ears were flushed, his heart was beating so loudly that the whole world could hear it.

Like thunder.

Can't hide it at all.

He lowered his head, subconsciously trying to cover up.

The thin red hijab swayed, and her back was extremely stiff.

The hand holding the candy behind her was clenched tightly, and her palms seemed to be sweating.

Khan, who was a little anxious and restless, didn't know what was going on.

The little boy was flustered. He originally planned to push her away while she was not paying attention, and then ran out.

But now, my mind is blank and I can't think of anything.

His face was scorching hot, his legs were weak, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

As if poisoning him, he poured a whole pack of Ruanjin powder, making him unable to stand up.

It's hard to even make a sound.

The person with one knee bent facing him looked at him quietly, probably knowing his panic and fear, so he only raised his hand very lightly, and patted his head.

(End of this chapter)

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