Chapter 2099 Willingly (5)

The gentle movements seemed to comfort him.

"Don't be afraid."

She finally spoke out, her voice was soft and charming, and slightly hoarse.

It was obvious that the noise outside was so loud and the sound of firecrackers was so loud, but it was strange that he could hear what she said right away.

Unmistakably, in such a noisy environment, recognize her voice.

is her.

The one he wants to marry... the wife.

His moist and beautiful eyes trembled, and he felt the tenderness on his head.

Probably because the contrast between her and his imagination was too great, or maybe it was because she drugged him.

After she said, don't be afraid, he really wasn't afraid anymore.

The tense nerves of panic seemed to really start to relax at that moment.

The feeling of suffocation and grayness in the chest, and the haze shrouded in it, disappeared in the blink of an eye in that light touch of the head.

There is nothing left, only that blank blankness.

Dazed at a loss.

He lowered his beautiful eyebrows and kept staring at her.

Sweat was seeping from the palm of his hand, and the sugar had begun to melt, but he was still holding it tightly as if he didn't know it.

She touched his head lightly, then withdrew her hand.

The matchmaker outside waited and waited for them to come out.

After a long time, he was a little anxious.

After all, it would be unlucky to miss the auspicious time. He didn't dare to make a mistake when everyone was staring at him.

So, outside the curtain of the sedan chair, he quietly reminded.

"General, the auspicious time is almost over, you should come out soon."

As soon as he made such a sound, the dazed young man inside suddenly came back to his senses.

They... are getting married.

Thinking of this, his still wet eyelashes trembled slightly.

The reaction was not that violent, it was quiet.

not moving at all.

The hand holding Tang behind her was clenched tightly.

As if afraid of the sugar falling.

Outside the sedan chair, people were braving the rain to watch the wedding procession. Seeing that the two people in the sedan chair hadn't come out for a long time, the voice of discussion gradually rang out.

Rustle, although I dare not point out the general because of his ghostly reputation, they are all whispering to each other and discussing a lot.

"What's the situation? The general can't wait any longer?"

"Can't wait? How can I, there's no sound at all."

"What happened? What happened?"

"do you know?"

"I don't know, but didn't it mean that the son of the prime minister's family didn't want to marry the general?"

"Oh? What else?"

"That's right, that young master has high vision. It is said that when the imperial decree came down, he cried and made noises, and he was unwilling to marry anyway."

"Don't you want to marry the general?"

"That's right! It's said that the general is ugly, fierce, vulgar, and unworthy of him."

"...Isn't that a little too much?"

"Ham, that's what the young master said. Who would let him be the royal family and nobles? He has the confidence."

"That can't be said that way. With the status of a general, it's not okay to marry a man? Marrying him is a shame."

"Hey hey—stop talking, they're coming out!!!"

When the two people in the sedan chair came out, all the onlookers stretched their necks, scrambling to squeeze forward, wanting to see the scene of the general getting married.

But the general walked quickly, holding the new husband with the red hijab in his arms.

The bright and beautiful wedding dress was swaying in the cold wind, the wind was howling, and it was raining. She was protecting him, and a bright red fox velvet cloak was draped over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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