Chapter 2104 Willingly (10)

New house.

After night fell, the young master obviously had no patience.

The room is stuffy and I can't do other things.

He has been wearing a red hijab, which makes him very uncomfortable.

On weekdays, he is just rowdy, and he is still a child at heart.

It is naturally uncomfortable for him to sit by the bed all the time now.

The little temper also came up.

"How long until?"

He was limp, bored, restless no matter how he sat.

The red-tape rules of getting married bound him like shackles, making him extremely uncomfortable.

It's just a child's temperament, and he is spoiled on weekdays, how can he be wronged by such cold treatment?
He became more and more bored and irritable.

Puffy, more and more like a puffer fish.

It is fierce and can bite.

"I want to sleep!"

At this time, the red candles in the wedding room had already been burned out, so people had to replace them with new ones early.

It was already dark outside, and it was quiet everywhere, without any sound.

There are festive red lanterns hanging outside the room, and the soft red light illuminates the way.

Empty, no one.

In the room, it is bright and majestic, and the faint aroma is used for calming the mind.

Xia Lin was afraid that he would lose his temper, so he comforted him and said, "Master, hurry up, the general will be back soon."

"Now there are so many guests outside, the general will not be able to get away for a while."

"You have said this hundreds of times, can you change it!?"

The spoiled young master was really annoyed, subconsciously he was about to lift the red hijab and curse at others.

But the red hijab has just been lifted halfway——

He seemed to have remembered something again, bit his lip, and put down the red hijab.

Do not lift it, it will be unlucky.

The young master didn't believe this at first, but for some reason, he suppressed his temper and did it depressedly.

Although there is always a gas in my stomach that I want to let out.

He had no choice but to kick the ground irritably to show his vent.

"Bad woman! Heartless villain!"

He was fierce, like a child having a temper tantrum.

Not only has no deterrent effect, but also inexplicably...


It's like flirting and cursing between lovers.

Although he was scolding her, there seemed to be no real hate in his tone.

Because if he hated it, he wouldn't be so obedient and stay in the new house honestly.

"..." Xia Lin touched her nose in embarrassment, but said nothing.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, he said loudly, "Young master, the general is actually pretty good, and he doesn't have much airs."

"Although everyone says the general is fierce, but just look at it, the general doesn't seem like a rough guy..."

"You, see, what?"

The keen young master repeated these words abruptly and emphatically.

Slowly, as if squeezed out of teeth.

It is cloudy and cloudy, like a powder keg, which may erupt at any time.

"Have you looked at her carefully? Does she know you well?"


It's just a proposition.

Xia Lin was stunned.

Now, no matter how stupid he is, he can see it.

Son, this is...

I care about it.

Because he cared, he asked so fiercely.

This kind of tone seems to be really angry.

He thought clearly, and replied, "My lord, you misunderstood, the younger one is not familiar with the general."

"It's just that before getting married, the general visited the prime minister's mansion several times. You have been reluctant to see her, so you sent the younger one to turn her down."

"The young one also only met the general a few times at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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