Chapter 2105 Willingly (11)

"At that time, the general was pretty good, and he didn't say anything when he was rejected, and he brought a gift every time, saying it was for you."

"..." The tantrum-ridden young man who was sitting by the bed seemed to be quiet for a moment.

Subconsciously, he grasped the fox fur cloak he was wearing, the lips under the red hijab, and bit it slightly.

It seems to be more agitated.


"She...does she bring something every time?"

He clutched the cloak unconsciously, his tone became a little strange.

Like being awkward.

Xia Lin replied: "Yes son, every time the general comes to visit, he brings your favorite snacks."

"Say it's... she made it herself, and I want to give it to you to taste."


He threw those things into the slop bucket without even looking at them.

All are fed to pigs.

Didn't eat a bite.

In order to annoy her, he deliberately made Xia Lin throw away things in front of her, and even went up to step on her.


The squeamish and arrogant young man bit his lips tightly.

He lowered his eyes, and the feeling of distress in his chest became worse, as if he couldn't get his breath out, and he kept choking there.

Slightly tingling, and a little sour.

It made his heart ache.

And angry, but also kind of indescribable feeling.

He bit his lip, and the scene of her touching his hand in the sedan chair flashed back in his mind.

She gave him a candy and told him not to be afraid.

And he did this—

He unconsciously grabbed her fox fur cloak, lowered his head, his lips turned white from being bitten.

The cloak is warm, maybe she often wears it, and there is still her breath on it.

It was clear and faint, a fragrance he had never smelled before.

Like magic, it smells deadly.

People can't help but want to bury it in it.

He fell silent and didn't say another word.

It was silent for a long time, not knowing what to think.

Xia Lin could only see that his usually petty young master was wearing a big cloak and was holding onto it tightly.

Like grabbing some baby.

He has not spoken again, and his expression at the moment cannot be seen through the red hijab.

In short, it is very quiet.

It was eerily quiet.

Xia Lin probably guessed something, and was about to express her relief.

But before he could say anything, the door of the room opened.

The bride is back.

The sound of the door opening was very clear in the overly silent room, and everyone inside heard it.

The little boy who lowered his head immediately raised his head.

Xia Lin looked over.

Through the veiled cover, the young master could only see Xia Lin's figure walking past.

Salute to the person who enters the door.


She is coming.

The little boy's heart skipped a beat for an instant, and he subconsciously let go of his lips.

The heart that was originally dull and uncomfortable, accompanied by a strange feeling, began to beat violently and crazily.

thump -- thump -- thump --

It was surprisingly loud.

It seemed like everyone in the room could hear it.

The little boy stared straight at the figure at the door without blinking.

Looking at the cold figure, he hummed to Xia Lin in a low voice.

Xia Lin went out now.

When going out, he also closed the door of the room by the way.

Once the door is closed, there are two worlds inside and outside the house.

It was pitch black outside, and it became extraordinarily cold in winter.

It's been raining all day, and although the rain has stopped, the air is still filled with a misty cold mist.

Under the light of the lantern, it seemed to have been condensed into frost.

It froze in mid-air and was blown away by the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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