Chapter 2120 Willingly (26)

Be sure to watch for a while.

The fingertips of the hand on her waist shrank slightly.

It seems to be a little hesitant.

"Don't want to?"

Her voice fell, and her hands were slowly lowered.

In the next second, he stretched out his hand a little awkwardly and pulled the hook.

After pulling it, he buried it in her arms again.

As if shy.


he looks like……

Liked her a little bit.

"..." Yun Si slightly raised her eyebrows.

After all, he couldn't hold back and chuckled lightly.

"Xiaoqing is so good."

She hugged him tightly and smiled.

Gently, rub his head.

The blushing young man was buried where she couldn't see, pursing his lips.

Try hard to suppress the arc that you want to be happy.

The cheeks were soft and pressed against her neck.

Unconsciously, rubbing the fragrance on her body.

Without knowing it.




When the dinner is ready, the young master will also coax it.

The butler was originally worried that the young master would not listen to the words of the general, would make a scene, and make troubles in the mansion for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he actually followed the general obediently and came to the dining hall together.

The two held hands, fingers clasped.

The general looked as usual, expressionless.

On the contrary, it was the little boy, wearing a fluffy cloak, holding hands with her.

Although his eyes were still red and his nose was still red, it was obvious that his mood had improved a lot.

Always staring at his wife, his moist eyes are very bright.

It's like hiding the tiny stars, that kind of joyful feelings can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye——

He likes her.

like very much.

The butler looked back and forth between the two of them, and he knew it all at once.

When the two came to the dining room, she immediately went forward.

"My lord, are you feeling better?"

The young master's gaze shifted from his wife to her.

Thinking that he had been making trouble all day, she had seen her, and was told to his wife.

For no reason, he was a little ashamed.

Subconsciously, she looked at Yun Si.


The sharp-tongued young master is usually so nervous that he can't even speak clearly in front of the person he likes.

With wet eyes, he subconsciously asked her for help.

Looking at her, even this question is not difficult to answer.

Yun Si glanced at him, and answered for him: "He's fine, just sleep tonight."

"Is dinner ready? I'm hungry."

The housekeeper said, and turned sideways, "Dinner is ready, sir and young master, please sit down."




The little boy is really hungry, he has been hungry all day.

In the past, although he would sleep until noon, he would still eat lunch and dinner normally, and sometimes he would eat a lot of snacks and fruits at night.

It can be said that he has never been hungry since he was a child.

This is the first time.

Gurgling, the feeling of being empty in the stomach is not good.

But even so, he seemed to be happy, his wet eyes always looked in the direction of the person he liked unconsciously.

He doesn't seem to care about starvation at all.

There is no intention to be angry.

After taking their seats, the two held hands loosened.

His palm was empty, and subconsciously, he wanted to grab her retracted hand.

But she touched his head.

Then, naturally, serve him food.

"Eat, you are not allowed to skip meals in the future, you know?"

The housekeeper stood quietly, observing silently.

He only saw that the normally arrogant young master was blushing slightly and his eyes were warm.

(End of this chapter)

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