Chapter 2121 Willingly (27)

Staring at his mistress without blinking, it was like staring at a flower on her face.

She picks up vegetables for him and feeds them to his mouth.

He opened his mouth and ate.

Don't even look at what it is.

As if it didn't matter that she was feeding him poison.

Totally out of mind.

The butler was watching quietly when he heard Yun Si say, "Mom, go get the medicine box from the mansion."

The wound next to his eye looks like an eyesore, and it still needs to be disinfected with medicine.

The butler came back to his senses and immediately bent over: "Yes."

After she left, Yun Si continued to bring food to the delicate young master.

Pick up the carrot and put it in his mouth.

He took a bite, and suddenly seemed to realize that this was the carrot he hated the most.

His cheeks stiffened.

"what happened?"

His wife looked over.

"..." The little boy lowered his head.

Neither is the carrot in the mouth vomited, nor is it not vomited.

He unconsciously grabbed her belt.

"'s fine."

It's annoying, but it's her...

He pursed his lips, but still managed to eat.

After eating, the eyeballs became wet, soft and docile, like a pitiful soft rabbit who has been bullied.

There was a pitiful look all over her body, which made people feel distressed.

A smile flashed across Yun Si's eyes.

Of course she knew he didn't like carrots.

But... picky eaters are not good.

This is what a certain man used to say when he forced her to eat green vegetables.

Now Feng Shui took turns, and finally it was her turn.

She slightly raised her lips with a wicked taste, and picked up a few more carrot slices.

Feed it to his mouth.

Poor little boy, when he smelled the carrot, he felt a little nauseous.

He raised his beautiful eyelashes, and looked at her with soft wet eyeballs.

The end of the eye was rubbed red, and there were still blood scabs.

The whole little figure looks extraordinarily pitiful, pitiful and alluring.

He looked at her and pursed his red lips.

The carrot was brought to his mouth, but he didn't want to eat it.

But still had to eat.

He slowly opened his mouth and barely swallowed it.

Although a little wronged, but holding her skirt, it seems to be much better.

No seizures.

Eat whatever you feed.

Rarely like a good baby.

Yun Si didn't show it on the face, but she laughed hard in her heart.

Naturally, she was happy when her revenge was avenged.

A certain bad woman smiled and fed him carrots bit by bit.

Until the whole plate is eaten.




late at night.

After nightfall, the temperature of the day also dropped to the lowest point.

The weather is dry and the rain that fell last night has evaporated.

The trees in the General's Mansion were bare, and a layer of white frost had condensed on the criss-cross branches.

In the dark night without a bright moon, the frost eroded everywhere it went and covered everything.

Green brick walls and tiles, lamp shadows flickering.

Cold night, cold road.

After taking a shower, the general returned to his bedroom in a red velvet cloak against the cold wind.

The body was too cold in the night, and a layer of white frost seemed to have condensed on the cloak.

She pushed open the newly repaired door and entered.

Just happened to meet Xia Lin.

Xia Lin was holding a hot water basin, and when she saw her, she bowed her head and saluted.


The young man who had just finished bathing and was sitting on the bed, wearing only a thin shirt, immediately grabbed the quilt and wrapped himself up when he heard the sound.

I don't know why I wrap it up, it's just——


Inexplicably shy.

He wrapped himself in a quilt, his heart beating violently.

(End of this chapter)

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