Chapter 2183 Soul (18)

Mixed with a strong local accent, it came from the small window.

In the quiet bedroom, the sound cannot be blocked.

I can only pull up the quilt, cover my ears, and ignore it.

Close your eyes and hum from time to time.

Very sleepy.




Just after dawn, the slightly open wooden window in the bedroom was gently closed.

Thin, clean and pale hands with slender knuckles and rounded fingertips.

The childish soft flesh has faded away, and the beautiful bone shape is perfectly displayed.

Although he is still immature, he still has a desolate youthful air.

But the figure standing by the window is no longer as small as yesterday.

Thin and tall, with a clean boyish figure.

Although it is not very high, it is at least 1.5 meters.

He was wearing white pajamas that didn't fit well, and slippers that were a good size.

He stood by the window, closed the window gently, and covered it with a thin layer of white mist.

That layer of white mist seemed to have magical powers, and it was able to isolate the noisy sounds outside in an instant.

I can't hear anything, only the slight cat-like breathing in the room can be heard.

It came from the bed, she was still awake.

And he, and him, stayed up all night.




Standing by the window, the thin and cold boy had completely white pupils.

It was empty, and under the light from the window, it looked like the glistening white bones of a dead person, as if it could ooze out disgusting pus, rotten maggots, and that sinister poison.

Extremely weird chills.

Even that pleasing desolate demeanor couldn't stop the strange whiteness of his eyes.

Like a skeletal zombie crawling out of the dead with a grinning grin, even the beautiful skin can't suppress the coldness that hits the face.

It is poisonous, poisonous.

It feels like you can't get close.

Must back off, fearful.

He closed the window, turned around, and his strange eyes fell on the bed.

The pure white strange pattern on the left cheek was slightly cold.

Stretch, spread.

As if consciously, it covered half of his left face.

White mist emerged from his body.

On the bed, the person who was still asleep did not know that a mop bottle was missing on the bed.

Because of sleepiness, she turned sideways unconsciously, and hugged the other oil bottle that was reluctant to get up.

After finally being able to monopolize her, he was naturally unwilling to let her go.

Even though he had grown up a bit, he was still tightly clinging to her arms, clinging on.

I can't wait to stuff it all into her arms and completely monopolize her breath.

Not an inch.

The soft and cold hair was attached to her neck, and the temperatureless body was drawn into her embrace.

She fell asleep, her consciousness was heavy, but she still knew to hug him.

Close your eyes and hum a few times from time to time.

Xiaoxiao softly, as if whispering.

The shoulder straps of the loose nightdress were half slipped, revealing the beautiful white collarbone.

It was all bitten by him.

They are all printed, red, with traces everywhere, and they are bullied so miserably.

The cold boy standing by the window watched calmly and indifferently.

I fought with him all night, and now, for some reason, he gave up.

She was willing to give her completely to him.

That certain oil bottle that was holding her tightly was stupid and couldn't figure out why.

All he knew was that she finally belonged to him, so he had to guard it carefully and not allow others to snatch her.

Especially him.

Absolutely not allowed to grab.

She is his.

(End of this chapter)

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