Chapter 2184 Soul (19)

The extremely fierce and even biting little oil bottle hugged Yun Si who was still sleeping, and was still immersed in an extremely vigilant mood.

Nerves tensed and arms strained.

He didn't notice at all that the boy who was standing by the window had disappeared at some point.

Disappeared in the room without a trace.

There was no sound.

He was tense for a long time, and even more tightly hugged Yunsi.

It wasn't until later that I became obsessed with it.

Suddenly looked up.




At 09:30 in the morning, that stupid clingy ghost realized what the other cunning one had done.

He went to make breakfast.

Controlling the time, she just got stuck, and when Yun Si woke up, she made breakfast.

Wearing an apron, quietly, like an angel, tidy up the house.

Silently, without making a sound.

But when Yun Si woke up, she would kneel beside the bed, her clean and pale hands gently grabbing the corner of her skirt.

Do not speak, eagerly.

The sensible and well-behaved little pitiful characters are played vividly, so that people can't find any faults.

That clingy ghost, who was born with a stupid brain, was completely stunned.

Hugging Yun Si's soft and slender waist, she was a little helpless and at a loss.

I panicked and didn't know what to do.

He made her breakfast and cleaned up the house while he—

"..." As soon as Yun Si got up, she saw such a large Shura field.

Before he could react to the sudden change in how the two of them grew up overnight, he saw a well-behaved boy who looked like an angel courting her.

And the other, like a child who couldn't grow up, had messy hair and tight clothes, leaning on her body.

His arms were still holding her tightly.

One pair of eyes is careful to please, and the other pair of eyes is willful and clean.

Eye to eye, a strange silence.

The atmosphere in such a large Shura field was so weird that it was hard to breathe.

Afraid of breaking this delicate balance.

Yun Si fell into silence for a while.




"I think we should have a good talk."

After a long time, she finally spoke up.

This time, it's not in a hurry to appease anyone, nor is it difficult to make a choice.

She gently pushed away the sticky ghost who was sticking to her body, and also pulled away the well-behaved boy who was grabbing the corner of her skirt.

Both sides distanced themselves, and she raised her hand, motioning for none of them to approach.

Try to keep an appropriate distance.

It was too late last night, and the two children were too embarrassed, so she didn't ask anything.

But now, I have to ask.

The small oil bottle turned into a big oil bottle, and suddenly changed into two?

This has to be explained clearly.

Otherwise, the scramble and quarrel will be endless.

She looked at the two large oil bottles that looked almost human.

After a pause, he said, "I know you can understand me, so don't play tricks or play dumb."

"I'll give you 10 minutes to discuss with yourself, whoever, give me a reasonable explanation."

"..." The two villains who had never dealt with each other looked at each other quite tacitly this time.

One black and one white, one left and one right.

The patterns on the cheeks are surprisingly consistent, as if there is an invisible mirror in the middle, completely symmetrical, without any difference.

Except for the color, even the changes are synchronized.

This shows that there is a connection between them.

It can even be argued that the connection is extremely strong.

(End of this chapter)

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