Chapter 2186 Soul (21)

"During breakfast, I asked, and you answered, okay?"

She is always patient with them.

No matter what, he was reluctant to wrong the two of them.

This is how she exposed her little bottom line.

Crumbling, almost nothing.

Two oil bottles, took the clothes.

This time it was quiet, and there was a tacit understanding that there was no more trouble.

Obediently, change each other.

He took off the ill-fitting little clothes and put on her clothes, which were just right.

Yun Si handed them two more sweatpants.

There are no men's clothes at home, only children's clothes that she prepared in advance.

It's just that they didn't expect that they grew up so fast, and the children's clothes didn't fit after wearing them all night.

So I barely put on hers today, and she will go to the clothing store next door to buy some suitable for them later.

Moreover, judging from their growth rate, it is estimated that a few adult males will have to be bought.

in case the emergency.

Yun Si watched them change their pants. The two cubs had poor balance and had to hold onto her to stand on one foot when putting on the pants.

One on the left and the other on the right are holding each other quietly.

After changing, he obediently and consciously gave her the changed clothes.

He gave full play to his specialty of being good at judging the situation and the situation, and never lost an inch.

That stupid clingy ghost had been violent and domineering before, but now he can do the same.

Be obedient, and then stare at her eagerly.

There is a feeling of a fist on the cotton, soft and weak.

"..." Yun Si took the clothes they had changed without making a sound.

Try not to let yourself down.

"Go and brush your teeth first."

She touched the heads of the two of them each, and her tone slowed down a lot.

The two cubs were almost as tall as her, and when Qi Qi stood in front of her, it was like a wall.

She couldn't even get away.

She hugged the clothes that the two of them had changed, and squeezed sideways through the gap in the middle.

He went out without saying anything.

The two ghosts in the house were left behind.

One is calm and the other is panicked.

look at each other.




Yun Si went down to the first floor.

It's time to open the store soon, but she is not in the mood to open today.

Suddenly there are two more troublesome ghosts in the house, so naturally there are a lot of things to buy.

There was no one at home to help, so she had to come in person.

So, she opened the iron curtain of the shop and hung up a notice outside for a day off.

There was no one on the small road outside.

The location of her shop is remote, and there are not many tourists coming, only a lot of villagers who rush to work and do farm work pass by.

We have lived here for a long time, and we always know each other.

Seeing Yun Si hanging up the notice, they greeted each other in broken Mandarin, mixed with a strong local accent.

"Sister Yun, what's wrong with you? But you're not feeling well?"

Although Yun Si had a loose and cold temper before, the shop would always be open no matter it was windy or rainy.

Rain or shine.

Everyone in this town knows it.

Especially the young girls in the town like to come to her to buy cheongsams.

He came here twice in three days, so he knew everything clearly.

Now that they suddenly had to rest one day, they naturally felt strange, so they asked curiously.

Yun Si hung up the notice, and then skillfully answered in dialect.

"There are relatives at home, we want to entertain them."

"The store will open tomorrow, tell the girls at home, don't come here today."

The villagers responded heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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