Chapter 2187 Soul (22)

After hanging up the notice, Yun Si went in and closed the door by the way.

Upstairs, the two ghosts had finished washing and sat obediently at the dining table, waiting for her.

One left and one right, next to her position.

There is a ready-made breakfast and simple noodles on the dining table, only in her place.

Both of them, don't seem to eat the food that humans eat.

Seeing their obedient and quiet appearance, Yun Si raised her eyebrows.

Go over and sit down.

That clumsy clingy ghost dragged the stool in an instant and came over.

Next to her, pale and clean hands gently grabbed the corner of her cheongsam.

His dark eyes stared at her intently.

Extremely dark, with no light.

His thin face was extraordinarily pale as he lost the baby fat.

It was so white that it was almost transparent.

Faintly, you can still see the blue-purple blood vessels under the skin.

It looks like a human being but not a human being, with an excessively cold temperature on his body.

He leaned against her body, rubbing against her slightly.

Looks very good, but also very docile.

There is a deliberate sense of pleasing, pleasing her.

"..." The cold-hearted beauty Yun Damei glanced at him.

Although they say they want to drive them out, but they look like this...

She snorted coldly and picked up the chopsticks.

Not pushing him away shows that his attitude has softened.

The stupid clingy ghost didn't realize this yet, it was the cunning young man who was good at observing words and expressions who first discovered it.

He was sitting on Yunsi's left, staring at her with his strange white and empty eyes.

Keep watching, the eyes are really empty, there is no emotion at all.

It's hard to see what he's thinking at the moment.

He just sat there quietly, with his body straight, his hands resting silently on his knees.

It didn't stick to it directly like the clingy ghost, but behaved docilely and transparently.

Silence and peace of mind.

It appears to do nothing.

It's just that the clingy ghost's movements became more and more daring.

The furry head rested on her shoulder.

Hugging her slender and soft waist, humming from time to time.

Grind her, rub her.

Gradually make progress.

Clumsy and bold, expressing emotions that he doesn't know where to start, but are extraordinarily strong.

She didn't speak all the time, and he kept hugging her.

It doesn't prevent her from having breakfast, just humming.

Bring out his clumsy love to the fullest.

This kind of liking without scheming and not knowing how to hide it is the most difficult to refuse.

Only then can she keep jumping on her bottom line.

Stepping on her bottom line, she dropped again and again.

"..." Yun Si looked at the boy who had been motionless all this time, as if feeling something.

He was quiet and barely made a sound.

Playing the role of worry-free little transparent, she didn't even interrupt her intimacy with that stupid clingy ghost.

Like a perfect bystander, watching.

Even smiling.

The smile is cute and calm.

Coupled with his pair of eyes that are as white as dead bones——

It's really chilling down the back, and I feel an inexplicable coldness.

Want to tremble, want to be afraid.

"..." The person who took the initiative to bring the ghost back was silent and looked away.





After 15 minutes, Yun Si put down her chopsticks.

Before she had time to open her mouth, the young man who had been silent all this time stood up and took her bowl away.

Washing dishes, tidying up, wiping the table, all in one service.

Yun Si was taken aback for a moment, but before she could react, the clingy ghost also stood up.

Go get a tissue and wipe her mouth.

Extraordinarily courteous.

(End of this chapter)

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