Chapter 2207 Soul (42)

He stopped for a moment, as if he knew what she was thinking.

Then, look up.

His eyes were dull and calm.

"Are you going to lose me?"

A sudden sentence.

Yun Si was taken aback.


He looked at her quietly.

He obviously didn't express anything, but it could be seen with the naked eye that something was wrong with him.

There was a slight strangeness in the gentle eyebrows and eyes.

"Then why are you saying this?"

The strength in his hand seemed to be constricted, and it tightened suddenly.

The soft ruler that fell on her waist instantly pulled her a step forward.

This time, I ran into him.

Touched his never warm body.

He was human, but never human.

He restrained himself so well on weekdays that people completely forgot that he used to be an evil ghost who only ate people but didn't spit out bones.

The evil spirit flower that was about to merge with the skin faintly appeared on his left cheek.

Like venom, it sizzled, and a cold white air came out.

Yun Si looked at him closely, her eyes trembling, and she was in a daze.

"I just--"

She opened her mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

His hands fell unconsciously on his waist, grabbing the corners of his clothes.

The originally tall body was not worth mentioning in front of him.

She raised her face slightly and looked at him.

pursed lips.

"I don't want to lose you, I just think it's too hard for you, so don't—"

Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly gagged.

The man, who was in a strange mood, pressed her head and suddenly pushed her against the wall.

Block her words, block those extra irritating thoughts in her head.

He didn't know what she was thinking, he only knew that she was drawing boundaries and distances with him.

Obviously it was good that way, and she was happy, so was he.

In the end, she said she would give him money? ? ?

what is this?
Is there a relationship between employing and being employed?
Yun Si was bitten unexpectedly.

He was really angry and bit her punitively.

The person who was usually so gentle and reluctant to use force towards her finally showed some temper now.

Press her against the wall, with all her strength.

"..." She opened her mouth in pain.

"do not--"

In the back room, Ah Yang stood up instantly.

The sultry wolf's gaze slowly fell on the curtain that separated the two rooms inside and outside.

Such a big guy, under the light in the room, really looks like an immovable giant mountain.

There was no shadow falling on the ground, only the black air that came out of nowhere and raged.

The evil spirit flower, which had also disappeared for a long time, slowly reappeared on the face.

The ultimate black, wanton growth.

It covered half of the right face.

Mottled and scary, so strange.

Evil spirits appeared and the sky changed suddenly.

The wind outside did not know when, it became stronger and stronger.

It was as big as if the eaves were about to be overturned.

Howling and roaring past, ghost power prevails.

The person who was pressed against the wall realized something was wrong, and immediately stood on tiptoe and hugged him.

Try to reassure and calm him down as much as you can.


"Good boy, Awen."

Her mouth hurt, and it felt like she was bleeding from a bite.

But when you lick it, there is no such sweet and fishy feeling.

Awen bit her hard, but never bit her.

After being hugged, he lowered his head tightly and leaned on her shoulder tightly.

Pick her up and lift her off the ground.

Not a word.

It was terribly cold.

Ayang also came out.

He didn't listen to her at all, and walked out, and his mood didn't seem right.

(End of this chapter)

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