Chapter 2208 Soul (43)

It's like twins, even stronger than the telepathy between twins.

"..." Yun Si closed her eyes, wanting to pat her mouth.

She shouldn't be talking nonsense.

This is just great.

Cubs that should be coaxed, multiply by two.




After this incident, Yun Si never mentioned the matter of giving money again.

After a lesson, she will remember it firmly.

I know that even a good-tempered person like Ah Wen will get angry sometimes.

She should pay more attention, at least, knowing that there are some things that cannot be said.

That night, Awen went out without saying hello.

Even Ah Yang, who had been clinging to her in the past, suddenly disappeared.

When Yun Si came out of the shower, she realized that the house was empty.

No one but her.

On the second floor, the top floor, and the first floor, the two figures were gone.

They seemed to leave, because the previously locked door was opened again.

The iron curtain was not closed tightly, and a crack was slightly exposed.

When I opened it, I found that the lights outside the shop were on.

Illuminating the vast and remote path, there is no one on the road, it is quiet and dark.

Yun Si saw the post-it note pasted on the door curtain.

It was written by Awen. His handwriting is beautiful, smooth and vigorous.

A simple sentence: "Return within half an hour, don't wait."

The inscription is Awen and Ayang.

Meaning, they went out together.

Almost once in a hundred years.

Yun Si took down the note and looked at the dark road outside.

I don't know where they went or what they were going to do.

Two good babies, it's rare that they didn't tell her in advance.

She looked down at the note again.

She didn't worry about their safety when the two cats went out.

After all, who would lay hands on two evil spirits?

She stood quietly outside the door for a while before returning to the shop.

Turn on the lights on the first floor and leave them there.




late at night.

The two evil spirits finally came back.

One after the other, there was no sound.

Yun Si originally wanted to wait for them, but she was too sleepy and fell asleep in a daze.

Didn't even find out when they came back.

Until it was almost dawn, she turned over and woke up suddenly.

Opening his sleepy eyes, he realized that the two big cats had returned.

One hugged her domineeringly, as usual.

The other one was quietly tidying up the house outside, washing the clothes she had changed by hand and hanging them to dry.

She woke up a bit, but not quite.

The clumsy and domineering A Yang saw her awake, so he leaned over and kissed her.

The rustling voice would only call her Si Si.

Rubbing her, holding her in his arms.

The person who had been waiting for them for a long time was relieved when he saw them coming back.

Rubbing his eyes, he hugged him habitually.

Buried in his arms, fell asleep.

Those who want to ask questions, Naihe is too sleepy, she wants to sleep.

Ah Yang didn't bother her, just hugged her, very obedient.

Only at this time, it is rare to show a good side.

Outside, the scene in front of Ah Wen who was drying his clothes changed.

Seemed to be back in the house, back in bed.

hug her, kiss her.

Sense sharing, emotional sharing.

Awen looked as usual, drying clothes one by one.

Still calm.




After dawn, the female guest who came according to the appointment time came more than ten minutes earlier.

Waiting for the shop to open.

It was still Awen who opened the door today.

The industrious and capable Awen opened the curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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