Chapter 2213 Soul (48)

"Everyone is dead... and still so particular..."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

She is not in a hurry if she can't find the account holder's information.

Although I want to find the identity and name of Awen and Ayang during his lifetime, it is not necessary after all.

It's just a corpse, and it doesn't make any difference whether it's early or late.

Yun Si took the card and went home.




However, Yun Si did not expect that the use of this card would attract a group of organizations that appeared from nowhere.

That evening, her building was surrounded.

Then, broke into her shop.

Behaving too rudely, like helping robbers, coming uninvited, with a bad face.

The shop was supposed to be closed, but it turned out that an unidentifiable model of iron SUV lay across the narrow path in front of the shop.

The sound of the roaring motor broke the quietness and tranquility of the town.

A group of tall and burly men got out of the car, wearing black trench coats and black masks.

Break into the shop and squeeze the air in the shop to be thin.

Awen cooks on the second floor, and there are only Yunsi and Ayang on the first floor.

Ayang was originally like a silly dog, clinging to her body stickily.

After such a group of people suddenly appeared, he slowly stood up straight.

That big guy, like a mountain, stood in front of her intentionally or unintentionally.

The hard muscles stretched slightly, and the fists were slowly clenched.

He stared at the visitor without saying a word.

There were about twenty people who came.

Three of them came in, and all of them were over 1.8 meters five.

Wearing a mask, with a cropped cut, and a deep scar on the middle head.

Walk in and don't speak.

Like asking for trouble.

But for some reason, seeing A Yang, their movements stopped instantly.

There was clearly visible fear in the eyes that looked at each other.

Even Yun Si, who was blocked, could feel them taking a step back.

"..." She leaned out slightly.

The man with the big scar across his head looked at Ayang and then at her.

The eyes changed and changed, too fast to catch what it was.

Ayang can't speak, but only blocks her, showing the posture of a vicious dog and a madman.

Extreme protector.

He was as tall as this person, but in front of him, he was still a dwarf.

Over 1.9 meters tall, with arms thicker than the mouth of a bowl.

Muscles tense, harder than stone.

With great strength, it is no problem to carry a tree with one hand.

Just protecting Yun Si in this way, her cold eyebrows and eyes gradually turned dark.

Like a wolf, he bared his teeth and let out a low warning growl from his throat.

It is a deterrent posture when encountering the enemy, ready to attack at any time.

Yun Si grabbed his hand and looked at the men who were obviously aggressive.

Those three people all stared at A Yang's face, with strange expressions on their faces.

After a while, the man with the scar looked at Yun Si.

Take a step forward.

"You are the owner of this shop, Miss Yun, right?"

When Ayang made a move, he would make a move instantly.

Yun Si quickly hugged his arm.

"Ayang, don't hurt anyone first."

He paused.

Then, slowly lower your fist.

Yun Si grabbed his hand and looked at the man with the scar.

"you are?"

The man with the scar was wearing a windbreaker, took out his phone, and clicked on a screenshot.

"Around ten o'clock this morning, you used a bank card that wasn't yours, right?"

Yun Si's gaze fell on the screenshot of the operation record.

After a pause, she didn't answer the question.


(End of this chapter)

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