Chapter 2214 Soul (49)

The man put away his cell phone with a polite tone.

"May I take the liberty to ask, Miss Yun, where did you get that bank card? And how did you know the password?"

"Could it be that Miss Yun knows the owner of this card?"

"..." Yun Si was a little elusive about what he meant.

For a while, it was unclear whether the visitor was an enemy or a guest.

She didn't answer immediately, just asked: "Who are you?"

Her gaze skipped a circle from the outside.

Such a menacing posture seemed to smash her shop.

She didn't think that they came here as simple guests.

The scarred man glanced at A Yang.

As if afraid of him.

Ayang is tall and strong, and he is even more desperate when he fights.

If Yun Si hadn't pulled him, he might have made a move long ago.

The scarred man glanced at him, and then at Yun Si.

It seemed to be weighing for a while.

Then, without further ado, he tore off the short vest in the windbreaker, exposing the position of his heart.

There, Yiran had a black flower tattooed on it.

The extremely familiar flower, extremely dark, is the pattern on that card.

It grows gorgeously, like magic, attracting people's attention.

Yun Si narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at the position of his heart.

Before she had time to take a closer look, Ayang immediately blocked her eyes.

A palm that was bigger than her face tightly covered her eyes.

Not showing it to her, even seemed a little annoyed.

"No... no... no!"

He has no concept of gender differences, nor does he know what to look at and what not to look at.

But he just wasn't happy.

Block her view, don't show her.

He even stared gloomyly at the man with the scar.

As if to kill him.

There was no hiding the hostility.

"..." Yun Si grabbed his hand and pulled it down.

The man with the scar didn't seem to want to show her more, so he showed it off and then covered it back.

Tidy up the windbreaker on his body, and wear the dusty leather boots.

He turned his indifferent eyes towards her, and this time his tone was a little more serious.

"Miss Yun, can you answer my question truthfully now?"

"..." Yun Si grabbed the hand of the man beside her and looked at him indifferently.

He wasn't afraid, on the contrary he laughed.

The voice is melodious, but with thorns.

Not to be outdone.

"Why should I answer you?"

"Just with a broken tattoo?"

Without even a word of self-introduction, I just showed her something broken.

As soon as he came, he questioned her face to face, all of them with bad intentions.

how?Do you really think she is a soft persimmon?
Yun Si sat down slowly, and let go of the hand that had been holding A Yang.

It was like opening the cage and untying the shackles around the beast's neck.

Take it easy, don't change your face.

"Ayang, throw them out."

The extremely vicious giant beast immediately showed a bloodthirsty and excited expression after receiving the order.

Holding a terrifying fist with bulging veins.

There is no humanity and no concept of soft hands.

Killing is his instinct, sweeping through everything.

Like a hungry wolf whose eyes were red with excitement, he slowly moved forward step by step.

Closer, closer, closer.

The expressions of the three men who came in all changed.

He didn't know what he was afraid of, so he retreated without hitting.

Some people outside seem to have raised their guns.

But no one dared to shoot.

The scarred man spoke even more quickly.

"Miss Yun, please don't get me wrong, we are not here to cause trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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