Chapter 2231 Soul (66)

Awen and Ayang finally followed her and left the town.

Although not willing.

But if Yun Si wanted to leave, they naturally—

to follow.

No matter what, they cannot be separated.

The quiet and seldom-spoken Ah Wen silently packed her clothes.

Fold it up and put it in your backpack.

Very light luggage, almost nothing.

It was also rare for Ah Yang to be much quieter than before.

Staring at her eyes, as if she was going to abandon him.

When leaving, a special convertible came over.

The two big ones sat in the back seat, and Yun Si sat in the middle.

Ayang grabbed her hand, hung his stiff head, and put it on her shoulder.

The long legs were bent and pressed against her.


As if angry.

Even Awen, who was considerate and kind in the past, turned his face sideways and looked out the window quietly.

Neither looked at her nor spoke.

Two pale and beautiful hands rested silently on his knees, his eyes were calm and too cold.

Looking out the window quietly, as if in a trance.

They didn't take the initiative to speak, as if they were venting their emotions silently.

Yun Si looked at Awen and stared at him for a long time.

The temperatureless car window reflected his indifferent and indifferent face.

She watched for a long time, but still slowly stretched out her hand to hold him.

A hand rested lightly on the back of his hand.

He didn't move.

He didn't take the initiative with his backhand as usual, but he didn't refuse either.

Quietly, her fingers were as cold as ever.

Like a block of cold ice.

There was an excessive coldness on the fingertips.

Yun Si covered his hand and slowly held him.

Grabbed him and didn't speak.

He probably also knew what he was getting emotional about.

He couldn't stop her, he could only express his reluctance in this way.

I want her to give up this idea.

Yun Si knew it, but it was unprecedented and she didn't let go.

No matter how much he and A Yang had quarreled before, no matter how reluctant they were, she indulged and pampered her, and was as satisfied as possible.

but now--

They must go back.

Go back to the still breathing body.

Not negotiable.

Yun Si also looked out of the window, extremely calm.

Watching the car start slowly, the scene outside the window receded step by step.

Silently, she held their hands tightly.

Close your eyes and meditate.

Slowly perceive.




In the small town, when the convoy drove away slowly, it did not attract the attention of many town residents.

Only a lot of girls who made clothes here in Yunsi knew that she would be out of business for a while and go out for a long time.

Even the two distant cousins ​​who are too good-looking have to go together, and no one is left behind.

The girls are pretty lost.

Seeing those cars leave, they also looked forward to it, hoping that the two handsome cousins ​​would come back.

It would be best to come back with Sister Yunsi.

After the car left the small town and got on the main road, it quickly picked up speed.

When driving at high speed, there is no need for navigation, but a special system prompt.

I drove on the main road for an unknown amount of time, and then turned into a small road.

Turning horizontally and vertically, the road map is like a gossip array.

Normal people can't remember at all.

There are no rules.

That night, after arriving at the boarding point, the helicopter arrived.

You need to change trains halfway.

Entering the unknown island requires layers of verification procedures, which are so complicated that even an extremely unpopular foreign language is used.

After landing, there will be dozens of strong men in black body armor surrounded, armed with assault guns, and interrogating.

(End of this chapter)

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