Chapter 2232 Soul (67)

All of them are dotted with the delicate and small evil spirit flower emblem on their chests, wearing protective helmets and goggles on their faces.

Amidst the roar of the helicopter, he didn't speak the whole time, and all instructions were given by gestures.

Very unique gesture, not the kind that is used internationally.

It seems to have its own special and unique gesture language.

The scarred man who brought Yun Si in seemed to have reached a certain level himself.

Made a few simple gestures with the leader of the group of strong men.

I couldn't understand it, but it was obvious that the leader looked in Yun Si's direction.

A beautiful woman in a shirt and jeans, and...

The leader's actions suddenly seemed to be stuck there, as if the robot had crashed.

His emotionless eyes fell on the other two people.

The gun in his hand had a faint tendency to be lifted up.

The faces of those two people...

The helicopter's propellers were slowly stopping, and the sound of the roaring engine finally subsided.

However, the huge wind and waves by the sea can still cover the voice of people speaking.

Like the wind from the palm of a giant, it whizzed towards it, making people feel like they couldn't stand at all.

There was even sand getting into the eyes.

Yun Si got off the helicopter, was blown by the sea wind like this, almost lost her footing, and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Ayang, who came down first, quickly supported her.

Holding her firmly in his arms, his strong body helped her block the strong sea wind.

Awen then went down and also supported her other hand.

"Are you okay?"

Being emotional is emotional, but she is the most important thing.

Yun Si stepped on the overly soft sand, stood up straight, and shook her head.

The long hair was blown up in the air, and the fragrance of flowers was strong.


Ayang didn't say a word, just hugged her loosely, as if afraid that she would be blown away by the sea breeze.

Over there, the man with the scar has finished communicating with the leader.

Relying on the common sign language on the island, the group of impregnable teams quickly gave way.

Let Yun Si, a strange foreigner, go in.

As the usher, the man with the scar made a gesture of invitation to Yun Si.

On the huge sand and gravel beach, it is empty, and there is an endless distance as far as the eye can see.

It was already the evening of the second day when we arrived here, and it was almost dark, and the dazzling spotlights shone directly in the direction of the airport.

When passing through the group of strong men wearing bulletproof vests, Yun Si noticed that there was a faint direction of light on the mountain of the island.

The light is not strong, like a shining spot hidden in the tall grass, it disappears in the blink of an eye.


That is……

Sniper rifle——?
Before Yun Si had time to think about it, her sight was blocked by A Yang.

Ayang's tall body firmly blocked her.

It blocked the direction from which the light point came.

The strong and powerful arms firmly protected her without making a sound.

"..." Yun Si looked at him and blinked.

To protect the calf is to really protect the calf, and to really protect her.

But he was still agitated and kept silent.

"..." She curled her lips slightly.




It is not easy to enter the organization that believes in the evil spirit flower.

Even on the island, they still have to go through multiple checks, cross-examinations, and even body searches.

When she passed the last checkpoint, Yun Si thought she would go to a room.

Unexpectedly, the base of this organization is actually underground.

On the surface, it looks like an unremarkable island, but there is a huge fortress hidden under the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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