Chapter 2280 Soul Return (37)

The ground, smooth and clean enough to reflect the light, was instantly stained.

Dirty water was also splashed everywhere.

So embarrassed.

He was thrown to the ground and seemed to have no strength left to stand up.

Was panting all the time.

Muscles were trembling from being too tense.

The hair is messy and dirty water drips down the hair.

Can't see his face clearly.

All he could see was his stubble-covered jaw.

He has a very ordinary appearance, and there is a deep scar on his chin.

The long scar was left when he was cut off when he was being chased by a loan shark.

Blame him for being confused at the time, the debts in the first half of his life were getting bigger and bigger.

Up to now, the debt on him is already an astronomical figure.

If you can no longer repay the debt, then once you get out of here...

He must die.

But, fortunately... he is the winner tonight.

According to the rules, he can get a bonus of [-] million.

With the bonus, he will be able to pay off his debts.

He was trembling, even though his legs were trembling, he still looked up.

He looked in the direction of the window.


His voice was hoarse, like a poor thing, even after going through purgatory, he was still begging.

Begging for money.

As long as he has money, he is willing to do anything.

Even if you kill someone, it's for the pleasure of others.

He humbly expected that the kneecap was shattered, but it still merged together.

kneel down.

Hands up.

It's a gesture of begging for money.

Like a pug dog.

Poor and ridiculous.

The elegant and noble gentleman, like a vampire aristocrat, slowly put down his wine glass.

The slender finger bones are extremely cool and thin white.

Faintly, the long legs overlap.

Fingertips a little.

Then, those wearing special body armor, handed him a document.

Not the money he wants to get, but...

The man kneeling on the ground took the document.

When he took it, his bloody hand was still trembling.

He had just come out of the pile of dead people, just out of such a cruel hunting ground where he had to kill people. Even if the place was bright and bright, it could not dispel the fear in his heart.

When he got the document, he was full of joy and kowtowed again and again.

"Thank you sir, thank you sir, thank you sir..."

At first he thought it was a proof of transfer, but he took it, and after a closer look, he found out...

is a candidate contract.

Not sure what the candidate is.

He was dumbfounded.

"This... this... this is...?"

"Congratulations, you have been selected."

The man with the submachine gun left a word coldly.

It's unclear why.

The poor man was stunned for a long time.

When I came back to my senses, I turned over the contract suddenly.

Look carefully at the above entries.

Because his hands were too dirty, the blood stains were all on the clean paper.

The contract is short, only two pages.

As long as he can read, he can understand.

It can make him jump above ten thousand people, and it can also make him fall to hell in an instant.

He became the candidate, the candidate to succeed the next person in power of the organization.

He is one of them, but not the only one.

There will be 5000 candidates.

Everyone has been slaughtered from the slaughterhouse.

Winners against winners.

In the end, 5000 people competed.

So whether it is physical strength, mental strength, or spiritual strength, it must be top-notch.

Only the only winner can get that position.

That incomparably noble and extravagant position is like an underground emperor.

Everyone can't catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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