Chapter 2281 Soul Return (39)

She walked slowly to her side, turning her face slightly.

The captivating peach blossom eyes swept across her with a half-smile.

His eyes fell on a part of her turbulent, and then he moved closer.

In her ear, lower your voice.

Exhale like blue.

Angry people don't pay for their lives.

"Help me to talk to Mr. Roderick, I miss him, miss him, miss him very much."

"Tell him that if he doesn't come back, I will... die of loneliness."

It was really intentional.

It's wavy and charming.

She's just a shameless vixen.

Deliberately, stepping on her minefield.

Don't forget to stamp on it a few times.

Jump tight.

The woman clenched her fists for a moment.

I can't wait to tear her face apart.

Tear it to pieces.

Her eyes were cold and she didn't meet her eyes.

After all, she had received professional training, even though she hated her, she never did anything out of the ordinary.

Without saying anything, he just left.

The door slammed shut with a bang.

Heavy, accompanied by the sound of the password automatically locking.

Yun Si turned around and looked over casually.

With a snort, he fanned the overly strong perfume smell in the air.

She doesn't like the smell of perfume, and she doesn't wear perfume on weekdays.

Suddenly smelling so strong, the nose always feels a little uncomfortable.

She rubbed her nose and looked at the new clothes delivered on the ground.

They are all packed in gift bags, women's style.

He didn't care much about the little episode that happened just now.

She looked, and then, squatted down.

Feel free to pick and choose.

After choosing for a long time, her eyes finally settled on one of them.

Beautiful, red, cheongsam.


Bright red.

She stared, tilting her head slightly.

As if thinking.

Looking down, he was wearing white long sleeves and gray pants.

What he gave her was very plain, too plain.

He seems to prefer the lighter shades to the darker ones.

She looked at herself, then at the beautiful cheongsam.

I watched for a while.

The hand, slowly, stretched out.




Cynthia closed the door and closed her eyes, seemingly trying to calm herself down.

Calm down the emotions provoked by the lifeless woman inside.

She seemed to know that she was Mr. Roderick's first woman, so she dared to be so arrogant.

Arrogant to--

Forget who you really are.

It's just a village woman who came out of a ravine, when Mr. Roderick gets tired of her...

Cynthia gave a cold smile.

Such an arrogant, brainless woman with an empty skin will step into Mr. Roderick's minefield sooner or later.

Mr. Roderick is extremely disgusted when a woman in a red dress seduces him.

When she wears it recklessly...

She didn't believe that her limelight could last for three days.

Cynthia opened her eyes and lifted her chin.


With a victor's stance.

Stiletto, thud thud thump.

Sharp and hasty.




10 minutes later, Mr. Roderick returned.

When I came back, the light in the living room was on, but no one was there.

He took off his coat, washed his hands, and went straight to the bedroom.

She should be in the bedroom.

The bedroom door was ajar, and he pushed the door open without knocking.

The next second—

He was pinned against the wall.

He met those beautiful bright eyes.

Black and white are distinct, with bright eyebrows and eyes.

She was not tall enough, so she stood on tiptoe and supported the wall with one hand.

The standard wall-dong posture, except for some unequal heights.

"How is it? Do I look good?"

She tried her best to stand on tiptoe, bringing the tip of her nose close to him.

(End of this chapter)

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