Chapter 2325 Desert (27)

Behind her, there was a flat sound.

"Whether I'm a good person or not, Her Royal Highness, don't rush to judge."

His thick fingers rubbed her belly inexplicably.

A little itchy and a little hot.

She couldn't help but want to shrink.

"If you really want to judge, come to me tonight."

"Whether it is good or bad at that time, Her Royal Highness, you will know at a glance."

He was in her ear, and his tone gradually became a little harsh.

Like a nasty ruffian who suddenly revealed his true nature, he rubbed her and stroked her waist back and forth.

Really, taking advantage of her.

Although the strength is not very heavy.

But it can make her feel clearly that he is playing hooligans.

As if scaring her.

I want her to get out of trouble.

"..." She pursed her lips slightly.

Although I don't know why.

Obviously, he didn't dislike her.

A man's heart is really...

sea ​​needle.


"Come on."

She dodged and pressed his hand.

Don't let him move, don't let him take advantage.

"If you have the ability, don't drive me away."

Bad guy, big deal, she forced the tyrant to bow hard.

The little princess is vivid, like an irritated kitten.

Waving his powder fist, wanting to prove himself.

The man who covered her almost whole body snorted.

His hand was held down, and he didn't move anymore.

It landed on her waist, rubbing silently.

Knuckle light.

"Wait and see, wait."

His, little princess.




The two people on the desert plain here are riding horses, ambiguous and intimate.

Over there, in the yurt of the second prince, there are people who would rather die than live.

It's almost hurting to death.

Poor second prince Adelahu, ever since he was kicked away by the seemingly weak little princess, the pain in his body has never stopped.

Even more and more pain, more and more pain.

The pain was as if that kick had pierced through his internal organs and cut off all the tendons in his body.

He collapsed on the bed, howling in pain.

His face was pale from the pain and he was sweating profusely.

His whole body was convulsed, gasping for breath.

As if I couldn't even breathe.

I called the lame doctor over to look at it, but the lame doctor looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything wrong.

The body is obviously in good condition, except for some kidney deficiency, there are no other problems.

However, Adelahu kept crying for pain.

From the very beginning, I was writhing in pain, until later, I lost all strength.

He could only lie weakly on the bed, moaning.

Lips are as white as wall paint.

During this time, Adaima watched the excitement and walked around twice.

Every time with hands behind their backs, they ran to make sarcastic remarks.

While he was weak, he smiled.

Add fuel and vinegar, and make a few insinuations.

As if deliberately wanting to piss him off, every word is punishing.

Every time Adelahu saw him coming, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

I can't wait to pick up the knife and chop him with one knife.

However, his physical condition did not allow it, and the doctor was so busy that he was sweating profusely.

The lame doctor couldn't understand, so he urgently called Mr. Wu from the tribe.

Master Wu is proficient in the art of witchcraft, and he can also understand the eyes of the sky.

Often what medical skills can't solve, Mr. Wu can solve.

And absolutely no side effects.

After the summoning, Mr. Wu came soon.

Leaning on a cane full of bells, he walks unsteadily and mutters words.

Adelahu was in so much pain that he lost all energy.

And Mr. Wu, since he came, has been walking back and forth by his bed.

There was a gurgling sound from his mouth, as if a kettle was boiling.

(End of this chapter)

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