Chapter 2326 Desert (28)

Adelahu was in so much pain that she had to lie there listening to him mutter.



He was so angry that he threw everything around him, crackling.

The commotion was so loud that everyone outside could hear it.

He was supposed to be a face-saving person, but the pain was so painful that he was on the verge of collapse, so he didn't care so much.

Even knowing that there will be people talking outside, they can't control it.

Just like crazy, trying to make the pain go away and let him live.

Inside the felt tent, someone had already come out, wanting to inform the Great Khan.

The second prince was unwell, and it was the people below who suffered.

When the little princess was brought back by Adair Khan, she could hear the tossing as she passed his yurt.

Throwing things, voodoo muttering, bells ringing, and that obviously feeble moan.

A variety of voices mixed together, attracting the attention of passers-by.

It's all discussed, and everyone's outspoken.

The little princess got off her horse and followed Adair Khan closely.

Soft fingers grabbed him and held his arm.

Next to him, still wearing his clothes.

Walking together is like a couple made by nature.

Inexplicably harmonious.

Her Royal Highness the little princess went out for a while, and when she came back, her cheeks were pink, and her eyes were clear and soft.

Has been talking to Adair Khan.

When she noticed the movement in the yurt, she looked over.

There was too much movement there, she thought for a while, and then remembered the hapless guy who had been forgotten by her long ago.

That unlucky guy, without her spell to undo it, I'm afraid it will still be in pain for a few nights.

Sleepless and restless is also his retribution for molesting Pearl indiscriminately.

She took a look, and then, subconsciously, looked at Adair Khan.

Want to see how he reacts.

It's just that the relationship between Adair Khan and him doesn't seem to be good.

The movement was so loud, Adair Khan was still indifferent, as if he hadn't heard it.

Her footsteps stopped for a moment, with some hesitation.

But soon, he was led away.

I didn't even put my eyes there.

She followed, feeling the warmth of his palm.

Warm, rough, dry, yet thick.

Holding it feels safe.


"Adel Khan...the second prince..."

When she rolled her eyes, her expression changed quickly.

It seems a little nervous.

A look of embarrassment, feeling that he has done something wrong.

With moist and clean eyes, she grabbed his hand and tugged.

"Will he... Will he take revenge on me..."

Occasionally showing weakness can arouse a man's desire to protect.

This is especially true for the weakness of beautiful women.

She spoke softly, with a tremor in her voice.

It seems to be afraid, and it seems to be uneasy.

In short, it is to be next to him, to rely on him.

Like a little cub with no sense of security.

Very good at finding backers.

Although it may just be unintentional.

Adair Khan glanced at her plainly, his eyes pale.

There was no pity in his eyes.

Beauty is of no use to him.


He is very rational and seems to be able to see through her little thoughts straightforwardly.

So, he wiped away the non-existent tears in the corners of her eyes.

The cheeks are pink, the lips are red, and the eyebrows are fair.

The eyes are soft and bright, clean and bright, where is there any fear?
She is obviously very bold.

Cunning and bold, reckless and reckless.

what a...


A liar who tells lies without drafting them.

(End of this chapter)

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