Chapter 2340 Desert (42)

The fingertips are slightly curved, the pads are pink and white, and the nails are crystal clear.

Like the claws of a kitten.

Too beautiful, but it will scratch people.

Claw marks can be shaken off at any time.

The thin dress on her body is in a mess, and under the thin fabric, the seductive snow-colored body is looming.

Slender arms, waist, and slender legs.

Beautiful and delicate, like a porcelain doll.

It arouses daydreams and makes people want to destroy the porcelain dolls they control.

She fell asleep quietly, her long soft eyelashes drooping, and her red lips pursed.

Lying on the side, I don't know anything about the changes in the outside world.

Just like a rose protected in the strongest castle, blooming delicately, innocent and happy.

Don't worry about everything.

I had a good dream, quietly, comfortably and contentedly.




Tonight, it is very dark.

The snow is also falling heavily, which is the first snow after winter.

After this snowfall, the weather in the Western Regions will become even colder.

The temperature can sometimes even be as low as minus twenty or thirty degrees.

In the worst case, a large number of cattle, sheep and horses will freeze to death, causing heavy losses to the tribe and food shortages.

When Adair Khan came back, the snow on the ground was knee-high.

The order to clean up the remaining snow and the frost warning had already been issued. Tonight, apart from Adelahul, he still had a lot of business to deal with.

The Great Khan's power was emptied, so he simply let go.

Two younger brothers, one is not successful enough to fail, and the other is too young to carry the heavy responsibility.

Everything is on Adair Khan's body, so he can't lose control and must keep his sanity all the time.

Only a calm mind can handle so many things.

Keep huge tribes safe through winter.

It was already late at night when we returned to the yurt, and the little princess on the bed was already fast asleep.

Adair Khan lifted the curtain and came in, covered in cold snow.

Bring back the chilling northwest wind.

The temperature inside the yurt was higher than outside, and it was quiet with no movement.

The little princess has already had a sweet dream.

The thick quilt was rolled into a ball, barely covered her body, and was completely hugged.

The soft and slender body was exposed, although it didn't feel particularly cold, but the fingers were already cold.

Cool, no temperature.

Even sleeping like this didn't wake her up.

She really fell asleep, hugging the quilt that smelled of him.

Even Adair Khan didn't know when he would come back.

With her eyes closed, she only faintly felt someone standing by the bed and pulling away the quilt she was holding.

The movements are light and slow.

When she reacted, the warmth returned to her body.

The quilt was put back on her body, and someone hugged her.

Gently, touching her face.

She was drowsy, and under such movements, she gradually became more awake and opened her eyes slightly.

The vision is blurry, but unfortunately the lights are off, so I can't see anything.

He could only feel him holding her, his arms acting as her pillow.

Her cold hands fell on his waist, his body was very warm, and through the thin gauze, he could warm her.

My whole body felt warm and comfortable, as if I was next to a fire.

His breath is strong.

"..." Her Royal Highness, who had been awake for two seconds, moved a little.

Clinging to his chest, hugging him tightly.

Skillfully, she found a place in his arms.

Like an unweaned cat, it hummed twice.

Eyes closed, legs resting on top of him.

Octopus-like pose.

(End of this chapter)

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