Chapter 2341 Desert (43)

His movements stopped for a few seconds.

The little princess was really clinging to him and was too close to him.

Said that she didn't understand anything, but when Adelahu wanted to bully her, she kicked him, making him half dead now.

She said she understood, but, again, she was so bold that she could directly share the bed with a bloody man.

As if he didn't know what consequences such a move would bring.

In the darkness, the man's warm palms covered her soft face, stroking and kneading her ears.

She was really not on guard against him, and would unconsciously rub against his hand when she fell asleep.

It seems to be happy.

The wind and snow outside, and the snow shadows flying around, did not affect her dream at all.

Quietly, leaning in his arms.

Lively and within reach.

Gives a sense of satisfaction.

An indescribable sense of satisfaction.

It's a wonderful feeling, like drinking the strongest and hottest wine in the snow-capped mountains in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

A strong warm current poured into the heart, and the scalding heat almost roasted the beating heart.

Shocking and warm, soaked, trembling uncontrollably.

Lost and found, finally get the treasure.

It's so addicting that you can't even control your breathing.

Between suffocation and carefree, back and forth.

Adair Khan didn't know if it felt like this to hug every woman.

Soft and fragrant, it made him long for it, but also strong.

Desire is awakening.

Probably feeling that his body temperature was getting higher and higher, the little princess in his arms shrank a little, as if she was about to be scalded.

She wanted to turn her back on him, but he didn't allow it.

The arms around her waist held her tightly.

Locked up firmly, escape is simply delusional.

"..." She closed her eyes and hummed twice.

Unable to escape, his cheeks were flushed from being scalded by his body temperature.

Almost scalded.

Adair Khan hugged a woman for the first time, probably because he liked it, so he kept holding her tightly and half-forced her to lie in his arms.

Face to face.

It doesn't even work with your back facing.

One night, the poor little princess was forced to be hugged by a bully just like that.

I can't move, I can't run, I can't run.

In a daze, it seemed to be a dream.

In the dream, she was an extremely weak cat who was mercilessly and cruelly thrown into the burning furnace.

The fire in the stove burned wildly, enveloping her overwhelmingly.

She was burned and wanted to run away.

As a result, iron chains protruded from nowhere in the stove, locking all four of her paws.

Shengsheng pressed into the fire, regardless of her panic, she couldn't escape no matter what.

It is more terrifying than the hellfire in the eighteenth floor of hell.

Having such a dream, I was groggy all night.

The next day, the little princess finally woke up from the heat.

It was so cold outside that the breath could condense into frost, she was awakened by the heat.

The back was full of sweat, and the clothes were almost soaked.

The shackles around her waist strangled her all night, almost breaking her.

My waist was sore and painful, and my whole body was still hot.

Her legs were pinned down and she couldn't move.

The little princess woke up, her cheeks were flushed abnormally, and her ears were also ripe red.

The whole body is fragrant and sweaty, and the fragrance of flowers is wanton and strong.

Wanting to move, he pushed away the big stove in front of him.

As a result, when she moved, he seemed to wake up.

With a little effort from her two strong arms, she was forced to bury her in his chest.

"..." It got hotter.

Some are out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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