Chapter 2370 The Desert (Part [-])


From the very beginning, the way she looked at him was different from other people.

Straightforward and undisguised.

Intense and without purpose.

Not trying to get him, nor trying to capture his heart.

More, it is a kind of joy.

Pure and clean to the joy of being like a piece of white paper.

It's like reunion after a long absence, the first sight of lovers who once loved each other very much.

For that moment, the heart stopped.

He couldn't jump, and his breathing stopped for an instant.

That second is obviously very short, but to the body, it is extraordinarily long.

It was so long that it seemed that there was a riot in the soul.

Crazy, countless emotions that I don't know how to describe, welled up in my chest.

Tumbling, interweaving, repeating.

I lost my hearing in my ears, and there was a momentary tinnitus.

Breathing gradually became difficult.

The blood is uncontrollable, hot, hot, and the body is also hot.

There is an inexplicable urge to do something.

Rational nerves are more like being soaked in the strongest wine.

Some are dizzy, some are intoxicated.

People don't even know what they're doing.

I can't tell the truth, I just think it's amazing.

Not annoying, even...


Indescribably addictive.

Obviously, it's just the first glance.

Obviously, it's just the first time.




Later, she asked his name bluntly, and took the initiative to approach him.

When he hadn't figured out the changes in himself and figured out the reason, he approached.

No chance for consideration at all.

I only know that I don't hate it, but I don't have time to think more.

My mind was very chaotic, as if it was suddenly stuck with paste.

I can't turn around and don't know what to do.

Can only be cold, as usual.

Run away, but people can't see it.

She was looking at him and he knew it.




Later, when we met again, he knew that she had magical powers.

There is a very attractive magic on him.

It is more powerful than the witchcraft of the witch clan, and it can make people lose their minds.

When she looked at him, his body would heat up, his heart would beat fast, and his nerves would become sluggish.

I don't know what I'm doing, and I subconsciously want to see her.

She frowned, and his heart seemed to feel uncomfortable.

It will follow the pain, and she will subconsciously want to do something to make her brows stretch.

Out of her sight, when she no longer looks at him, he will catch where her gaze is.

What are you looking at, what are you doing.

Her every move has an impact on him, and every frown and smile is attractive.

Will look at him and smile at him.

He will also actively approach and grab his hand.

Not afraid of him at all.

Not afraid of his identity, nor his cold face.

It seems that he just likes him, nothing else.




However, he didn't understand, why would she like him?

Like it at first sight, why?
He has always been cautious in doing things, and he never trusts people easily.

The human heart is too complicated to distinguish between good and evil.

Especially after gaining more and more power, he has gradually become untrustworthy.

Even for Adaima, even for her confidants.

People will change, let alone be nice to another person for no reason.

Loyalty is exchanged with the friendship of dying on the knife's edge, and support is also exchanged with rewards and promises of status.

There is no unreasonable loyalty in the world, and there is no unreasonable support.

(End of this chapter)

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