Chapter 2371 The Desert (Part [-])

The relationship between people is still like this, let alone feelings?
She likes him, why?
What do you like about him?
He doesn't believe that liking him is for no reason, let alone that she likes him for no reason.

Clearly, there will be a purpose.

Are you interested in his power, status, or identity?




But, neither.

She never, never asked him anything.

there has never been.

Even if it's just a simple diet.

She never said a word.

I was not used to eating, so I just frowned, and then ate.

She doesn't want food, clothing, housing, and jewelry.

Adelahu was injured and was going to be held accountable, but she would pretend to be pitiful and frightened.

Will want his help, and then take the opportunity to get close to him.

Well dressed.

It's just that helping is not the purpose, she just wants to have more opportunities to get close to him.

Very straightforward.

Will feel wronged and beg for comfort.

I don't know whether to say she is smart or stupid.

He is obviously very clever and has a lot of tricks, but he uses them all in finding ways to get close to him.

I didn't want the one I wanted.

It was a pleasure to hold hands with him.

It was as if the greatest wish in life had been fulfilled and completely fulfilled.

Too simple, too simple to see through.

Even if he could see through people's hearts, he couldn't see through what she was thinking and what she wanted.


Do you simply like him that much?




Reasonably rejected.

Like those women before, refuse.

No chance at all.

It should be guarded against.

She is a Han Chinese, an identity that is hostile to him.

Reason told him to be on guard and not to be careless.



Anyone close to him will have plans, and she is no exception.

should... should...

Everything should be taken for granted.

If he's clear enough, he should know exactly what to do.

Instead of gradually conniving at her approach and acquiescing to her identity.

This is taboo.

but he—




She once asked him what happened to the previous sisters after they got married.

Asked curiously, those beautiful clean eyes looked at him.

Clueless and probing.

Wondering what happened to them in the first place.

She was so well protected that she didn't know the dangers of the human heart.

I don't know that it is impossible for Han Chinese to receive preferential treatment when they come here.

Even if it is as noble as a princess.

His father asked the Celestial Dynasty to marry him just to humiliate the Celestial Dynasty through the princess.

No one will take the princess seriously.

Even the humblest slave in the Turks can be superior to the Han princess.

When the princesses come here, they will be bullied until they can't stand the torture and die on the verge of death.

She doesn't know any of this.

Inexplicably, he didn't want her to know either.




He will protect her.

The longer I spend with her, the stronger this idea becomes.

He would want to include her in his territory, and would want her to live more comfortably.

I want her eyes to stay on me all the time, I want to hold her hand all the time, and watch her smile.

Smiling, like the brightest sun in the desert.

Very eye-catching, bright.


She would act like a baby to him, opening her arms for a hug.

He will trust him unconditionally, and often whisper in his ear that he likes him.

It makes people feel hot and hot.

I can't help but want to give everything up.

Give it all to her.

nothing left.

(End of this chapter)

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