Chapter 2376 Rejection (4)

"..." She stretched, but she didn't care much.

"Come on, let's talk about it then."

"I'm sleepy. I just came back yesterday and I'm still jet-lagged."

With that, she stood up.

"The weather has been bad for the past two days. All flights back to City A have been cancelled. I will visit your uncle again in a few days."

Holding the invitation, he raised his hand.

"see you then?"

Zhai Shiying also stood up.

"See you then, but don't be late."

She even pointed at her to attract those noble young masters.

The extraordinarily casual person made an OK gesture.

I didn't eat anything and went upstairs to catch up on sleep.




The top floors of this hotel are all luxurious suites, with two households on the first floor, and the entrance area is huge.

The people who live here are all rich people, and most of them dress in low-key and luxurious clothes, and a small pendant can cost ten thousand.

Go up from the special elevator, and there will be special service personnel to help press the elevator.

Bow, sweet voice.

"Miss Yun."

The service staff will recognize every distinguished guest living on the top floor, respectfully, and will not make a single mistake.

Formulated with a smile, served individually.

A loose and casual person walked into the elevator.

Lazily, with drooping eyelids, he didn't speak.

There is always a cool beauty in her body.

It is white and fragrant, really like a white fox.

He doesn't like to talk to people, but he always attracts people invisibly.

Inexplicably attractive.

The elevator went up slowly, and soon, it stopped at the 25th floor.


The elevator opened slowly.

"Miss Yun, please."

The waitress smiled and was very attentive.

And she, the pretty girl who was being lazy, the moment the elevator door opened——

Slowly raised his eyes.

Breathe, deepen.





After serving Mr. Liu, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

When he walked out from the door of the suite, the fair-skinned man with a youthful look had already put on his clothes.

White T, trousers, and simple canvas shoes.

Standing at the door of the suite, she still smelled of a woman's perfume.

Very strong, the smell of love between men and women.

I didn't take a shower, it was all over my body.

After closing the door, he wiped his face and neck with his hands in disgust.

It's like being touched by something dirty.

The disgust in his eyes was clearly visible.

The feeling of vomiting is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though he didn't eat anything, he always felt unwell.

It seems that acid water is about to be spit out.

He took a few steps forward, slowly, away from this disgusting place.

From the suite is the hall, with clear and bright lights.

As he was walking, he suddenly quickened his pace.

Walking to a potted plant, holding it with both hands, he vomited violently.

Really vomited.

The double nausea, both physical and mental, made his acid reflux keep coming up.

There was still a woman's lipstick mark on his neck, and the smell on his body was so heavy that he couldn't wash it off.

Sour vomit fell on the potted plant, and his thin shoulders trembled.

His face was extremely pale, and his delicate face was so pale that it was almost transparent.

Like a porcelain doll that is about to rot, it can shatter when touched.

His legs were even weaker.

At the moment, the hall is very quiet.

Quietly, the woman's pretentious and disgusting voice finally disappeared.

All that could be heard was the sound of rain, the icy, relentless sound of rain outside the hotel.

Like a bystander, watching him relentlessly.


He vomited, holding the pot wall of the potted plant tightly with both hands.

Extremely hard.

As if to crush it.

With deep hatred.

His eyes were even slightly red.

(End of this chapter)

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