Chapter 2377 Rejection (5)

Aside, a pack of tissues was silently handed over.

"are you OK?"

It's his agent.

has been waiting for him outside.

The voice was gentle and slow, silently concerned.

The man snatched the tissue from his hand.

Take that one out and wipe your mouth.

Rub furiously.

It seems that even himself is disgusted and disgusted.

There was no one else here but himself, and his agent.

With cold eyes, he kept wiping his face and neck with tissues.

As if to wipe off all the dirt.

Use one, throw one away.

All the paper towels were thrown on the ground.


His agent stood next to him, not as tall as he was, wearing wide black-rimmed glasses.

Holding a briefcase and looking ordinary, he stood quietly and looked at him.

"Just now the director of "Journey to the Green Mountains" has already called. We have confirmed that we are the third male, and we can sign the contract tomorrow."

"Qingya's diamond advertisement, I have already received a notification, and the company has accepted it for you."

"This time, Liu finally helped us a lot."

The pack of tissues was all used up, and the handsome man twitched his lips.


He didn't say anything, just leaned against the wall slowly.

Obviously full of sarcasm and disgust, that face with red lips and white teeth is still so pleasing to the eye.

Like a painting.

Clean, pure white, like a beautiful angel.

Although the body is already covered with the stench of the world.

The stomach is also full of filth.

Like a container full of bedbugs, beautiful on the outside, but rotten inside.


He even hated himself.

It was raining heavily outside, so he glanced sideways.

Endlessly cold.




I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, there was a "ding--".

The elevator sounded.

The crisp and sweet sound was very clear in the silent hall.

someone is coming.

"Miss Yun, please."

In the elevator, the service lady's respectful voice came, which was extremely sweet.

Also extremely snobbish.

To be respectful to those rich people is to look at them with contempt.

Even, they are not even qualified to take the elevator.

They look like they are poor beggars.

It sounds ironic.

The state of the world is sad.

The handsome man looked at him viciously.

I want to see what kind of old woman she is, she is too ugly at her age...

Also call yourself - Miss.

The air still smelled of rancid vomit, and tissues were strewn about.

The embarrassment here was completely seen by the person who came out of the elevator.

A bird's eye view.

Her steps paused slightly.

His malicious eyes also froze at that moment.

To his surprise.

It was really a young girl who came out of the elevator.

About 20 years old, very young and very...


She is unpretentious, simple and casual, unlike those ladies from rich families who dress extravagantly and look extravagant.

All in white, white long clothes, white trousers, and cotton slippers.

The long hair is loose, and the skin is very similar.

The slightly raised peach blossom eyes are clear and light, extraordinarily moist and bright.

A standard beauty, with rose-coloured lips and painted eyebrows.

The first impression you get is——


Overly attractive fox.

There is no fragrance on the body.

His eyes met hers, and she looked at him too.

There was a full three seconds of silence.

Then, she tilted her head.

(End of this chapter)

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