Chapter 2379 Rejection (7)

His hands were warm, dry and thick.

Gently, hold it.

Very polite and no groping.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Yun."

The ordinary-looking man looked at her.

Smiling slightly, his eyes are gentle and calm.

Lou Lingxiao's eyes turned cold, and he glanced at him.

I think he is very blind.

The young lady suddenly came over to talk to her, and it was obvious that she had taken a fancy to him.

What did he talk to?

Just as she was about to talk, she didn't expect Yun Si to ignore him.

He touched his pocket with one hand and took out his phone.

"Can you leave a contact information? I can contact you in the future."

The phone was unlocked and handed to him.

She only looked at him, her eyes were clear and lazy.

From a close distance, it doesn't look like a distant and indifferent white fox.

On the contrary, it looks like a beautiful big white cat that is very dear, can meow and is very active.

His hands were soft, unbelievably soft.

He held it lightly, wanting to let go.

But she didn't want to, she withdrew her strength.

It seemed to be taking the initiative to get close to him.


She handed over her cell phone.

It's really a hit-up.

And the object, unexpectedly, turned out to be him.

The unremarkable Mr. Manager, under the old-fashioned and lifeless big black-rimmed glasses, a pair of deep pool-colored eyes gradually darkened.

The darkness fell, and the edge seemed to pass by in a flash.

She didn't speak, and her quiet gaze stayed on her face.

I kept watching, not knowing what I was thinking.

And the hands of the two have been shaking.

The atmosphere seems to have become a little delicate.

It's a little too quiet.

Lou Lingxiao stood aside, looking at her.

"you like him?

After all, he has been in the entertainment industry for many years, so he still has some insight.

It's just because the two people really don't match each other.

One is as beautiful as a goddess, and probably rich;

One is an ordinary poor worker, and he is not good-looking.


It's hard to believe...

While talking, she was finally willing to give him her eyes.

Looking over, I saw his pleasing, clean and fair face.

The clear and soft eyes stared at it for a few seconds, flat and indifferent.

Not too much emotion.

Instead, he hooked his finger, as if inadvertently, scratched the manager's palm.

Like a cat tickling.

Let go of his hand, and look back at him.

The clear and clear eyes were bent, and the clear room was completely his reflection.

Without blinking, he even took a step forward.

"Can't you give me the contact information?"

She is direct and sly.

After scratching him, he still looked pure, beautiful and ignorant.

Know how to be the most seductive.

I also know how to seduce a man——

A, ordinary-looking, old-fashioned, wooden man without a trace of characteristics.

He looked at her quietly with deep pool-colored eyes, and stopped in mid-air for several seconds with his empty hand.

She moved closer to him, one step closer.

The fragrance of the flowers became stronger, as if even her breath was fragrant.

Fragrant and soft, with an overly fair and flawless face, it was so beautiful that it made one's heart tremble.

The hooked eyes were extremely bright, like fire under the sun.

Hot, amazingly hot.

He meets her eyes.

Then, lowered his eyes.

As if being scalded by the temperature in her eyes, she didn't look any further.

She handed over her mobile phone, he paused and took it.

Enter a string of numbers above.

The contact information was successfully obtained.

The beautiful Yunda Meiren took back her phone and glanced at it.

The corners of the lips are slightly hooked.

"After that, we'll be friends."

Start with friends.

Can't chase too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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