Chapter 2380 Rejection (8)

The old-fashioned Mr. Manager looked up at her.

His eyes were dark and he smiled slightly.

"it is good."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Yun."

His voice was lowered, soft and polite.

"..." Lou Lingxiao on the side felt the feeling of being ignored for the first time.

On weekdays, only he has always been the focus of women's attention.

No matter which rich woman he meets, he will always focus on him and be interested in his body.

He was even willing to spend a lot of money to get him.

How come this woman can't see him anymore? ?

Bisheng, still such a beautiful woman.

He looked at her, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Inexplicably lost.

He would feel disgusted by the old woman next to him, but if it was her...

"Miss Yun, my name is Lou Lingxiao."

He took the initiative to extend his hand, and even took the initiative to take a step forward.

Want to get her attention.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

Take the initiative to have a chance.

His appearance is fair and clean, with delicate and graceful eyebrows and eyes.

Tall, thin and beautiful.

Even the fingers are slender and distinct, carefully crafted, and there is no mistake.

He's a good-looking guy with perfect skin.

But, she just glanced at him.

Did not reach out.

Just nod politely in return.


Obviously immune to his good-looking and delicate appearance, there is no reaction.

I don't know him either.

Obviously, his name and face are on the billboard outside.

It's a pity that she has just returned to China, so she doesn't know who the domestic stars are.

Listening to his self-introduction, it's just like treating a stranger.

Polite and polite.

The difference is a bit too obvious.

Not even a fool can see it.

She looked at the ordinary Mr. Broker again.

He didn't notice that his hand was still in mid-air.

There was no handshake, which was awkward for a while.

"If you're working, I won't bother you."

As she spoke, she raised her phone.

The tone is different.

Light and natural.

"..." Mr. Manager put on his black-rimmed glasses, hummed in a low voice.

Staring at her, her pale crimson lips slightly raised.

"Goodbye, Miss Yun."

The very gentle voice seemed to be lying next to her ear, speaking to her softly.

Like a feather floating across the water, there is a little bit of it.

Ripples burst, making people itchy.

Want to pounce, want to hug, and want to kiss.

Give people a sense of prudence.

It makes people want to tear off his old-fashioned outer skin and look inside.

Hidden deep inside.

Yun Damei looked at him and didn't speak.

Impulsive, just...

Not yet.

Have to hold back.

Can't scare him.

She turned her back and thought about it.

Then, she approached suddenly and leaned close to his ear.

Very close, almost a hug.

The breath is warm and floral.

Too drunk.

"I will send you a message. Remember to pass it when adding friends, remember to reply to me, and don't ignore me."

After speaking quickly, she turned and ran away.

Run to the direction of another suite, open the door, close the door.

All in one go.

As if afraid that he would refuse.

The manager paused for a moment, his dark black eyes quietly looking in the direction she ran away.

Fingertips slightly curled up.

She spoke so fast just now that she didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

She ran away, but the fragrance of her body still remained in the air.

Faintly, it seemed to be stained on his suit.

The moment he approached, it was as if he had blown a breath on his heart.

Inexplicably hot.


His eyes are extremely dark.

(End of this chapter)

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