Chapter 2390 Rejection (18)

All the advantages are readily available, and the most important thing is that she is unmarried.

As long as he can catch her, he still needs to sleep and laugh with her all day long like a bitch? !
The status of the son-in-law of the CEO of KRIER, the status of the brother-in-law of the CEO of Shengxing Group...

Absolutely wealthy.

How glamorous, how desirable.

As long as he can become that kind of identity, who will dare to show face to him in the future?Who else dares to let him do those despicable and disgusting things?

All the resources come one after another, and they are offered with both hands.

He doesn't even need to work anymore. With that status, he can eat and drink all his life and wait to die.

I will never be looked down upon by others again, and I will never be tortured again...

Everyone respects him...

As long as you can catch her.

The calm and gentle manager, under the old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses, his eyes are extremely dark.

Very dark and deep.

Just looking at him like that, looking at his distorted face with excitement.

The two bloodshot eyeballs almost fell out, excited and eager to try.

Greedy and ugly, without the slightest appearance of an angel given by skin.

Step by step approaching, the body is still stained with the smell of vomit.

There is a kind of villain posture that is easy to grasp and imperative.

The manager looked at him unusually calmly, with a calm tone.

"so what?"

It was so light that it seemed that even the last bit of temperature was gone.

It's hard to figure out his emotions.

I can't even see what I'm thinking.

Lou Lingxiao gave a low, sinister smile, and his erosive and blood-red lips rose sharply.

Standing in front of him, she lowered her voice, faintly feminine.

Nasty and twisted.

"So... didn't you say it?"

"As long as it succeeds, what kind of tricks does he care about?"

"It's just a few nights of sleep. Once the lights are turned on and off, it's over."

"Anyway, sleeping with one person is sleeping, and sleeping with several people is also sleeping. Since they are all sleeping, why can't it be her?"

"As long as you make her happy and coax her, her one-sentence effort can be equal to the N-sentences of other people. Isn't that more labor-saving?"

With the background of the top rich man, how many directors can he get in exchange for sleeping with him?

He can figure it out, but if he doesn't believe it, his shrewd and capable manager can't figure it out?

Shen Zhi snorted.

It seems to be smiling, but it seems not to be smiling.

There was no smile in the dark eyes, like the ice frozen on the abyss of a thousand years, with strands of cold air looming.

He had always been gentle and calm, but suddenly, his tone became much lighter.

Looking at him, he was still rational and extremely calm.

A sophisticated brain is like a robot without emotions.

"She's not someone you can touch."

"You should also know that she is different from other people. If you offend her, what will happen? Isn't it clear?"

Her identity is there, so she shouldn't provoke her, let alone think about it.

He doesn't deserve it.

"Annoyed?" He seemed to have heard some ridiculous joke.

"How could I piss her off?"

"As long as I behave well, it's not certain that she will fall in love with me."

"You saw it today too. She took the initiative to come over and wanted to get to know us, and even asked for your contact information."

"She did this because she wanted to know me through you?"

"Sleep with you? Okay, you go to contact her and tell her that I am willing to sleep with her, and even in this life, I am willing to sleep only with her."

"Just find a way to please her and use her. Aren't you the best at these?"

"What? No more? Do you still need me to teach you?"

(End of this chapter)

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