Chapter 2391 Rejection (19)

He was sarcastic, more like a madman.

After being in hell for a long time, he can finally see the dawn and see the person who rescued him from the sea of ​​suffering.

How could he be willing to let go? ? ?

"I don't care what method you use, I also know that you must have a method."

His eyes were straight and staring.

"Get her contact information and try to get close to her."

"As long as you let me into her room and on her bed, I promise, she will fall in love with me."

"Absolutely, absolutely, let her fall in love with me and be unable to extricate herself."

I don't know where the confidence comes from.

It's like being dazed.

Shen Zhi looked at his ridiculous and delusional appearance calmly, and didn't speak.

As if she didn't want to entangle with him any longer, she turned around.

He picked up the packed black old briefcase and left.

When he left, Lou Lingxiao, who was standing at the door of the toilet, was still laughing.

The more he laughed, the louder he seemed to feel that he was about to succeed.

Laughing like a madman, as if his mind was twisted.

A total lunatic, an absolute lunatic.

Closing the hotel room door, I can still hear his laughter.

Achievement, just like the laughter of a successful person.

Shen Zhi stood at the door of the room, carrying a briefcase, his eyes were extremely cold.

The loosened fingers clenched silently.

a little bit.




The next morning.

The sun came out, finally out of the thick clouds, and the bright light illuminated the whole city.

The backlog of rainwater on the street was drained along the pipes, and beams of golden light fell straight down, dispelling the coldness of the autumn dew.

The temperature is much warmer and the weather is much better.

Looking out through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel room, overlooking the entire city.

It is refreshing and refreshing.

Pushing open the window, you can still smell the sunshine.

Fresh and cool.

After waking up in the morning, Yun Si finished washing and picked up her phone, only to realize that Shen Zhi had sent her a message last night.

Posted very late, but quickly retracted.

I don't know what was posted.

She was a little strange and replied with a question mark.


"what happened?"

"Are you feeling unwell?"

He took the initiative to send her a message, which surprised her a little.

Also subconsciously think more.

"I fell asleep and didn't see it."

She sent it to him.

After a few seconds, he returned.

It's rare to reply so quickly, although the reply is still short.

Impossibly short.


Just two words, still indifferent.

It was as if there was a thick layer of glass separating her from her.

It can't be worn, and it can't be broken.

Can't get close.

She looked at it for a while, pursing her lips.

Then, type.

"busy at work?"

Didn't sleep until early morning, is it too busy?

It took another half a minute for the message to be sent.

He returned.


A general answer always feels like perfunctory to her.

"..." She stared without saying a word.

Then, type fast.

"Where are you now?"

After typing, he frowned, and felt that asking this question was too straightforward.

Deleted word by word, turned into a direct call to him.

Put it to your ear and stand on the floor-to-ceiling window.

He lowered his head and kicked the curtain.

A long beep—

He picked it up quickly.

A gentle and polite voice came through the phone.


"..." She crossed her arms and held up her mobile phone.

"It's me, Yunsi."

He paused visibly.

She pressed her head against the glass window and sniffed.



All I want to care about him is...

(End of this chapter)

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