Chapter 2392 Rejection (20)

"Are you busy now?"

Between the lines, the mood seemed a little depressed.

Seems to be in a bad mood.

On the other side of the phone, I don't know where he is now, and the surrounding environment is very quiet.

It was so quiet that only the sound of his breathing could be heard, gently, transmitted through the phone.

There was a pause, and then, his voice remained gentle.

"No, not busy."


I'm not busy, but I reply to her with a few words every time.

It couldn't be any shorter, just a few, do you want to ignore her?

She clenched her fists slowly, and hammered the glass window a little irritably.




the other side.

Inside a luxurious and bright villa.

Lou Mengzhu watched the calm and gentle man put down the shopping bag in his hand, and answered the phone.

Not knowing what the person on the phone said, he turned around and walked out.

Standing outside the villa, the voice was very soft.

The tone of speech is different from usual.

I don't know who I'm talking to.

"..." Lou Mengzhu, who was half lying on the sofa, watched him go out and got up immediately.

He took out the thermometer under his arm, put it in the cup of warm water on the coffee table, and shook it.

Raise the temperature up.

When it reached 39 degrees, she put the thermometer back under her armpits again.

Pretending to be uncomfortable, waiting for him to come back from the phone call.




Outside the door of the villa, Shen Zhi leaned against the wall with his eyes downcast.

Wearing black-rimmed glasses that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, and wearing an old-fashioned suit.

Be quiet and listen.

Listening to her on the phone, she was quiet for a while.

Then, sniffing again, the voice became lower and lower.

"Really, aren't you busy?"

As if about to cry, with a faint nasal sound.

In an overly quiet background, something seemed to have hit it.

"Crack——" There was a sound of glass breaking.

She hissed suddenly.

Shen Zhi's drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, and his dark eyes raised.

"what happened?"

It was still a gentle voice.

Gradually, the alienation seemed to decrease.

very patient.

But she didn't speak, and the phone was hung up suddenly.

Busy Green's beeping sound came, cold and mechanical.

He was holding his mobile phone close to his ear, motionless.

Frequent beeps, endless.

His eyes fell quietly on the ground and stayed there for a long time.

Afterwards, the mobile phone placed next to the ear was slowly taken down.

The screen was pitch black.




When Shen Zhi entered the villa again, almost 10 minutes had passed.

I don't know what to talk about for so long.

Lou Mengzhu knew that he was often busy with work, so he didn't take it seriously.

Seeing him coming in, he immediately pretended to be weak.

Hmph, uncomfortable, frowning.

"Brother Shen Zhi, I seem to really have a fever... I feel like vomiting..."

As she spoke, she took out the thermometer from her armpit, her fingers trembling.

"Three... 39 degrees..."

After Shen Zhi came in, his face was still calm.

Although his appearance is unattractive and his appearance is not very good-looking, he always has a gentle, considerate and mature temperament.

Whether for men or women.

Polite and polite, inexplicably a gentleman.

That's what Lou Mengzhu likes about him.

The mature and stable charm is like a stable mountain, very solid.

With him around, I feel inexplicably at ease.

She looked at him and came in with two big shopping bags.

Before putting in the refrigerator, put some frozen products in advance.

The refrigerator is very messy, and the leftovers are miscellaneous and have not been cleaned up.

(End of this chapter)

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