Chapter 2401 Rejection (29)

It will be more convenient to make an appointment.

It's not too early, and it's not too late.

Just right.

She blinked, suddenly seemed to think of something, and got off the sofa.

"Wait, I'll give you the room card."

Wearing slippers, she picked up the room card on the TV cabinet and gave it to him.

Walk up to him and hand it to him.

"It doesn't matter what time you come, don't worry, I'll wait for you."

"After you come, just swipe your card to come in, no need to ring the doorbell."

It's really unguarded against him.

I'm not afraid that he might come in in the middle of the night and do something to her.

Shen Zhi slowly pushed the room card back.

"No need."

Always be polite and remember to keep an appropriate distance.

"Miss Yun lives alone, so she should keep the room card by herself."


She was rejected and wanted to say something.

His phone suddenly vibrated, buzzing, like the sound coming from a 80s TV box.

Humming, buzzing, sounded in the empty living room.

The voice was extremely abrupt and interrupted what she wanted to say.

The polite and gentle man said in a low voice, wait a moment.

Then he picked up the phone, glanced at it, and connected.


The tone was very light, as light as boiling water.

Others may not be able to hear it, but it is obvious after a little comparison.

Obviously different.

She had to swallow the words that came to her lips, and looked at him.

It was quiet all around, and the voice on the phone came out very clearly.

It was a man's voice, and it seemed to be the man he was with last time.

what do you say that is……

She thought about it.

Shen Zhi held the phone and hummed twice.

"I see, I'll take care of it."

Hang up without saying a few words, concise and to the point.

Obviously, the person on the phone didn't finish talking.

Her name also seemed to be mentioned, but she didn't catch it.

The action of hanging up the phone was quick.

As if afraid of what she might hear.

Immediately, he looked at her.

Taking a step back, the distance opened up a bit, and the tone became lighter.

"sorry, I……"

Probably busy with something.

After all, he is an agent, and he has many things to deal with every day.

It was impossible to stay with her forever.

Yun Si took a step forward, putting the room card in his suit pocket.

"It's okay, work is important, you should be busy first."

After a pause, she added, "If you are too busy to make it..."

"It's okay, just send a message and tell me, don't force it."

Her original intention was to find a chance to get along with him, not to make him more tired.

It will be a long time in the future, and she is not in a hurry for this moment.

He looked at her quietly, the corners of his lips seemed to rise slightly.

Gently, hummed.

"Then, I'll go first."

Yun Si subconsciously grabbed his hand, "I'll see you off."

He was here to deliver medicine, so he didn't bring anything with him except a medicine box and a mobile phone.

After sending him out the door, he bowed slightly to her.

Really polite and respectful to her.

"Goodbye, Miss Yun."

The voice was very gentle, as if he had no temper.

Inexplicably attractive, inexplicably seductive.

She stood by the door, raised her hand, and behaved herself.


Although somewhat reluctant.

It's a rare time to be alone, and the next meeting will have to wait until Saturday.

"You must come on Saturday."

This is the third time she confirmed with him.

I was really afraid that he would miss the appointment.

Shen Zhi looked at her earnest and expectant eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and nodded.

"it is good."

"I remember it was six o'clock in the afternoon."

"it is good."

He promised her, and naturally he would not regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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