Chapter 2402 Rejection (30)

She is satisfied with this.

"Okay, let's go."


He smiled, "Goodbye, Miss Yun."

Watching her off, she closed the door, cutting off her voice.

The next second, the phone rang again.

It was Lou Lingxiao who called again, with the attitude of not giving up until the goal was achieved.

The gentle smile on Shen Zhi's face disappeared, and he stood alone at the door of her room, looking at her room number.

Put the phone to your ear and connect it.

His eyes were extremely dark and gradually became cold.

On the phone, there was his impatient voice.

"Where's Yunsi's phone? Have you got it? How long has it been? Why are you such a waste?!"

"If you can't get it, you can find some means. I need to teach you this!? Just take some money and go to her hotel and ask for it!?"

"Hurry up! I heard that she has just returned to China and doesn't know anyone yet. This is the best chance to do it!"

It was rare for him to be so impatient.

Usually when she asked him to sleep with him, she always looked like a dead fish, unwilling, and even hated and poisoned him, cursing constantly.

Now suddenly like this, I can't wait, I can't wait to send myself out immediately, the appearance of climbing into bed immediately...

It's ridiculous.

Poor and ridiculous.

Mr. Broker, who has always been mild-tempered, looked at the door in front of him calmly.

Hearing him keep making demands like a clown, irritable and impatient, he couldn't wait for a moment.

His eyes were cold, and he seemed to be smiling.

A light laugh came from his throat, carrying an unknown meaning.

It was as if the layer of gentlemanly politeness had been torn off, revealing his extremely cold-blooded side.

Cold, without emotion, only interests.

for all his benefit.

"Mr. Lou, have you forgotten our original agreement?"

On the phone, his irritable and eager voice stopped suddenly and he braked suddenly.


The calm and indifferent Mr. Broker turned around slowly, with his back to the door.

Under the old-fashioned and inconspicuous black-rimmed glasses, the eyelids slowly lifted, and a cool emotion slowly emerged.

Like a poisonous snake, it is sinister and cunning, and its methods are extremely poisonous.

"I said, you have to be obedient to get everything you want."

"Before you fail, I hope you can be quiet and obey the arrangement."

"Don't be like a mad dog, barking all day long, can you do it?"

"...Shen knows you—"

"Mr. Lou, I hope you understand a little bit."

The broker took his time and straightened his tie with one hand.

When the gentle voice was stained with malice, inexplicably, it caused chills, panic, and timidity to arise.

Slowly, slowly, like a knife in the hands of an executioner.

Cut off one by one with a knife, fatal chills.

"I can achieve you in five years, or I can destroy you overnight, forever."

The voice on the phone was unusually quiet.

Dead silence.

He smiled, his voice still gentle, "We can be a cooperative relationship, or we may become an enemy relationship at any time."

"What kind do you want?"

He is threatening him.

It's not stated, but it's a threat.

I don't know what made him suddenly angry, but it was just right that he stepped on his bottom line.

Not swearing, nor violent.

His rage was as calm and subdued as he was himself, graceful and courteous.

Still a gentleman, but a gentleman with vicious means.

Can be cruel to anyone.

The person on the phone was silent for a long time without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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