Chapter 2403 Rejection (31)

The next second, the phone hangs up.

Finally quiet, no annoying voices.

Shen Zhi looked calm as usual, and took back the phone.

Turning around, he glanced at the closed door again, and then left.

No sound.





Lou Lingxiao slammed the water glass on the ground, making a loud and startling sound.

The water contained in it spilled all over the floor, and debris flew around, leaving clearly visible scratches on the walls.

The shattered fragments covered the tile surface like nails, sparkling with cold light.

The assistant who was about to come in with the clothes was startled by the loud noise.

With a trembling of his hand, the clothes were almost dragged to the ground.

Afraid of getting dirty, he hastily lifted the clothing rack.

Standing at the door, some dare not go in.

Not surprisingly, the inside must be throwing a tantrum again.

There was a high probability that they were dissatisfied with Brother Shen's arrangement, so another quarrel broke out.

This kind of thing is very common, and every time it will make him fly into a rage.

The assistant held the costume, stood outside, and looked left and right in the corridor.

Fortunately, no one, no one will see.

He hesitated for a while, but turned around, with his back to the door, and guarded it.

Don't go in, don't dare hit the muzzle.

"Jingle bell—jingle bell—jingle bell—"

In the bright dressing room, the phone rang again in a hurry.

Very out of place and annoying.

Lou Lingxiao was trembling with anger, and glanced at the caller ID impatiently.

It's his sister - Lou Mengzhu.

It's time to call...

He suppressed his anger and connected.



On the phone, her voice was cheerful and joyful.

Xiaohua, who was protected in the greenhouse, has never been troubled or suffered any grievances.

Her eyes are full of the thoughts of the young girl Huaichun, delicately, mixed with a bit of shyness.

"I want to ask you, don't you have a schedule for the weekend? Can Brother Shen rest normally?"

"If possible, how would you like me to ask him to a movie? Can you ask him if he has time?"

"Just tell him... how about an appointment at the Ocean Cinema at seven o'clock on Saturday night—"

"Shen Zhi, Shen Zhi, Shen Zhi, why are you talking about Shen Zhi all day!?"

She successfully hit the gun, even if she didn't intend to.

Lou Lingxiao was really tired of her running around with Shen Zhi all day long.

He growled into the phone.

"Can you be a little promising!? He is a wolf-hearted beast, an unfamiliar cheap dog! Who the hell do you like!? Like him!? Do you think he takes you, an idiot, seriously!? "

"Post it up all day begging for nothing, wishing to let everyone in the world know that you are trapped by him, can you show some face!? Don't live like a fool all day long!?"


The person on the phone seemed frightened, was quiet for two seconds, and stuttered.

"……elder brother……"

"You...what are you talking about?"

She seemed to think that he had taken the wrong medicine, or that he had been drinking and his mind was not clear.

Startled by his tone.

"What... what's wrong, this is..."

"Brother, did you quarrel with Brother Shen Zhi? What happened? Is your work very hard?"

"Is Brother Shen Zhi beside you? You didn't fight, did you?"

Brother Shen Zhige was the only one who spoke and kept silent, and he couldn't listen to him at all.

She was really well protected, and she didn't know any sinister people.

Being deceived by Shen Zhi's gentlemanly and polite skin, he didn't even need to deliberately, it was terribly stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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