Chapter 2422 Rejection (50)

He wanted to keep up on foot, but was stopped by the security guard.

This hotel seems to be dedicated to rich people, and the security measures are extremely strict.

Nobody is allowed to enter.

Lou Mengzhu was stopped outside, so angry that he wanted to curse.

The security guard stopped her, but she couldn't force her way in.

She was so angry that she turned around and rushed to the hotel lobby, throwing out her bank card.

"Come to the presidential suite, the highest floor, for one night!"

The front desk staff in the hotel lobby looked at her clothes.

Smile and bow.

"Sorry miss, our presidential room on the highest floor has been booked, and there is no room available for the time being."

"I wonder if you would like to book our business deluxe suite? It is also high-rise, 69888 yuan a night, and the view is also excellent."

After hearing the price, Lou Mengzhu didn't even frown.

"Okay, hurry up."

"Okay, I'll do it for you now."

The front desk clerk bowed and took her card.

While waiting, Lou Mengzhu anxiously looked in the direction of the elevator in the lobby.

The elevator was going up, and she didn't know which floor Shen Zhi was going to.

In broad daylight, her brother was not there.

He came to the hotel alone, and he must have met his so-called girlfriend.

She waited anxiously, staring at the elevator.




After finishing her lunch, Yun Si put the bowls and chopsticks into the dishwasher.

After simply washing my hands, I was just about to lie on the sofa to digest.

No, Shen Zhi came back suddenly.

Her TV had just been turned on and the sound of an ad blared.

Hearing the sound of swiping the card to open the door, she looked over in search of the sound.

Then, I saw him walk in.

The bag was put down, the suit was taken off, and the tie was unbuttoned.

There is a posture of fighting.

She put down the remote control, sat up straight, and looked up at him.


Before she could finish speaking, her chin was lifted slightly forcefully, and her breath was taken away.

"..." She twitched her eyelashes, at a loss.

He's jerky, but gets the hang of it quickly.

A big palm landed on her waist and squeezed.

He kissed her and pushed her away slightly.

His dark eyes stared straight at her, his lips were reddish, and he was panting.

"let's talk."

He pressed her against the sofa in such a strong posture.

She looked at him blankly, "Talking about... what?"

"Talk about our relationship."

The hand on her waist kept rubbing, and she could feel the warmth of his palm through the thin fabric.

She looked at him quietly, hesitantly, "You came back for this matter?"

On the phone just now, she told him not to care about what happened last night.

He never replied, and she thought he had acquiesced.

Shen Zhi stared at her, under the black-rimmed glasses, his eyes were dark.

"Don't you think this matter is not important?"

Reverse questioning, anti-customer-oriented.

Suddenly, he became more and more pressing, facing her.

She was silent for a while, "Then, what do you talk about first?"

Shen Zhi stared at her for a long time.

Has not spoken.

Finally, he suddenly grabbed her hand.

"Build a solid emotional foundation first."

As she spoke, her middle finger was pinched.

"Then, establish a long-term and stable legal contractual relationship."

The ring finger was also pinched.

She was taken aback.

It took a long time to realize that he was responsible.

Dating first, then getting married.

Although it is a one-night stand, he will still be responsible.

The logic of speaking can be described as quite rigorous.

She coughed and suppressed her smile slightly.


"What if I don't want to?"

(End of this chapter)

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