Chapter 2423 Rejection (51)

As soon as the hand on her waist was tightened, she was forced to move forward.

Kissed again.

He stared at her deeply, with a "click—" the sound of the belt around his waist being undone.

Almost instantly, she froze.

Then, quickly reached out and held him down.

"Willing, willing, willing, I will!"

Should be cowardly or have to be cowardly.

It softened immediately.

He pulled out his belt and tossed it aside.

"...I said I am willing!"

Regardless of her objection, he pushed her on the sofa and kissed her.

Kissing over and over again pushed her into a corner.

Too fanatical to push it away.

She: "...Shen Zhi!"

Shrunk in the corner, looking inexplicably pitiful.

Shen Zhi raised her jaw.

It's about to go down, and there's a next step——

"Doo ring ring——Doo ring ring—"

The landline phone rang suddenly.

Out of season, without the slightest vision.

The man who pushed Yun Si into a corner stopped for a moment.

Continue immediately.

completely ignore.

"...electric... phone call."

While being hugged, Yun Si had to push him to answer the phone.

Reach out, barely enough.

"Du Lingling—"


She pushed him, breathing a little unsteadily, and put the receiver to her ear.

In the handset was the respectful voice of the hotel staff.

"Hello, Ms. Yun, this is the front desk of the hotel."

"……Is there a problem?"

"It's like this. We have a lady here who says she is your friend. Her name is Lou Mengzhu. I wonder if you know Ms. Yun? She said she hopes to visit you."

"do not know."

She had never heard the name before.

The front desk of the hotel responded quickly.

"Okay, Miss Yun, we understand, sorry to disturb you, wish you a happy life~"

The phone hangs up.

The receiver hadn't even been put back.

She was picked up and sat on his lap.

The cheeks are red, and the ears are also red.

It's not shy, it's just being kissed red.

A rogue man hugged her and touched her face like he had never seen a woman before.

No matter how you touch it, you can't touch it enough.

He took off his glasses and stared at her closely.

"..." She tilted her head suddenly.

"and many more--"

"So now, are we sure about our relationship?"

He touched her face, his eyes were deep and dark, "Naturally."

He is a very traditional man at heart.

If you don't touch it easily, you will be responsible if you touch it.

Responsible to the end.

"I'm 31 this year, and you are 28. First, cultivate the emotional foundation for a year, and then enter the next stage."

Translated into adult words, it is to talk about a year of love first, and then enter the marriage process.


She groaned and hooked his neck.

Pinch his ears to play.

"I'm your boss, fall in love with me...Aren't you afraid of being talked about?"

His eyebrows were flat, and he didn't seem to care about these.

"The mouth grows on other people, so just say it."

"As long as you're happy, don't care what they say?"

He never cared about these.

It's just a few words that don't hurt or hurt him.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, "Really?"

He picked up her broken hair and tied it behind her ears.

"What are you cheating on?"

Although the status gap between the two was huge, he didn't seem to be inferior.

He will not feel inferior, nor will he become sensitive because of it, and he will not mind others saying that he is soft.

"There will always be people talking about it, silly girl."

He looked at her for a long time.

"As long as we live well ourselves, there will always be people who are jealous and say some acid words."

"What do you care about those words?"

(End of this chapter)

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