Chapter 2424 Rejection (52)

She blinked her moist eyes, and suddenly became quiet.

After a few seconds, he lowered his head and smiled.

"Well, I don't care."

Naturally, I don't care.

She slowly leaned into his arms.

Gently rub.

The atmosphere is cozy.




Downstairs, Lou Mengzhu was stopped, and the bank card couldn't be used somehow.

After using it over and over again, the card was changed one after another.

The front desk of the hotel has been serving with a smile, just watching her eyes gradually mixed with something.

Probably judged her to be the role of the third and fourth.

She was so angry that she couldn't hold it on her face at all.

After all, she wanted to save face, so she took the card and said, "Forget it, I won't order it."

Take the bag and leave in a hurry.

There is a posture of returning home with a feather.

The front desk of the hotel upholds an excellent service attitude, watching and bowing with a smile behind.

After she left, she showed contemptuous eyes.

"If you don't have money, you still pretend to be a master, what is it?"

"That's right, another vain one."

They spoke without forgetting to laugh.

Lou Mengzhu didn't hear these words, but thinking about them with her toes, she could imagine what they would say about her behind her back.

She was angry, aggrieved and had nowhere to vent, she walked out of the hotel gate and got into the car.

The door closed with another bang.

The driver is waiting for her.

Observing her expression through the rearview mirror, one guessed that she must have hit a wall.

Do not speak wisely, and do not touch the muzzle of the gun at this time.

Lou Mengzhu took off the bag, threw it aside, and picked up the phone directly.

Call Lou Lingxiao.



It was the assistant who answered, and lowered his voice, "Sister Mengzhu?"

"Where's my brother?"

She went straight to the point, and her tone was not very good.

Assistant: "Brother Ling Xiao is filming, just started."

It means busy, not convenient to answer the phone.

In the background sound of the phone, there is indeed some noise, and there is the sound of live shooting.

"Let him call me later."

After all, she hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to say anything.


The phone was thrown aside with a "smack--" again.

Leaning on the seat, crossing Erlang's legs and crossing arms.

Take a deep breath and calm down.

"...Miss, let's now..." Shall we go?

The driver master glanced at the rearview mirror, tentatively.

Lou Mengzhu leaned there and closed his eyes.


She just wanted to see who the so-called Miss Yun was.

She doesn't believe it.

If she didn't see it with her own eyes, she would never believe it!
"...Yes, miss."

The driver had no choice but to drive the car to the side of the road, stop, and wait.




At 06:30 in the afternoon, Shen Zhi's car finally pulled out of the parking lot and entered the traffic flow.

After such a long interval, he met alone with a woman.

Lou Mengzhu sat up straight when he saw his car.

"He's out, hurry up and follow!"

The driver master was already dozing off, but this time, he was shocked.

"Ah good, good."

He immediately started the car.

"hurry up!"

The driver was in a hurry.

"Right now, right away."

The car quickly followed, just behind the buttocks, one in front and one behind.

It was already evening, and it was the rush hour for get off work.

Shen Zhi didn't seem to intend to go to the set, but turned a corner and went in another direction.

During the whole process, Lou Mengzhu kept staring at the car without saying a word.

Watch the car cross the street and into the alley.

Finally, under the last ray of the setting sun, it stopped in front of a rental house on the outskirts of the city.

That is his home.

He seemed to be taking that woman home.

(End of this chapter)

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