Chapter 2425 Rejection (53)

As she watched, the car stopped.

Then, a woman came out from the passenger seat.

Wearing a gentle off-white half-high collar wool knit skirt, and a cream yellow coat outside.

With disheveled hair and black low-heeled boots.

After getting out of the car, the complexion of the delicate side face was extremely white, so white that it almost glowed.

It's too beautiful.

With black hair, snow skin and red lips, she has a bright and charming appearance.

Tall and well-proportioned.

Every move is like a painting, with an inherent sense of luxury.

Downstairs in the dilapidated rental house, it seemed extraordinarily out of place.

As if she shouldn't appear here, but should appear in a luxurious and bright castle.

She stood beside the car and seemed to have glanced in this direction.

The afterglow of the setting sun seemed not to be as stunning as the tip of her hair.

With the wind blowing, she narrowed her eyes slightly, her bright and moving eyebrows were light.

The astonishment that hit the face almost made people lose their breath.

It's so beautiful.

In the car, Lou Mengzhu was exceptionally quiet.

Even the driver sitting in front was a little crazy.

Staring straight at it, swallowing.

Lou Mengzhu's hand slowly grabbed the leather seat.

Deep in.

Just looking out of the car, Shen Zhi, who got off the driver's seat, walked around the car and grabbed the woman's waist.

He kissed her and said something.

She just smiled and took his hand.

The two behaved intimately, especially Shen Zhi.

Shen Zhi, who is usually a rigid gentleman, is holding her waist tightly at this moment.

In just 2 minutes, he took the initiative to kiss her many times.

His eyes were fixed on her all the time, and this was still outside, in a very restrained situation.

Enough to imagine how much he likes her.

Lou Mengzhu pinched the leather seat so hard that the newly made nails almost broke off.

The driver looked at the situation outside and probably guessed something.

Be quiet and shut up.

Seeing them, they stood by the car and said a few words.

Then, instead of going upstairs, the two went in the direction of the supermarket.

Holding hands, next to each other, talking and laughing.

It's like a couple's way of getting along.

Lou Mengzhu got out of the car without looking at him.

The poor car door slammed shut again.

She walked behind and followed all the way.

The rental building is not far from the supermarket, just a few minutes' walk away.

The two walked in and went to the vegetable section to pick out ingredients.

Lou Mengzhu has been following, at the back, not too far away.

On the contrary, quite a few people looked at that beautiful woman.

She didn't know it, so she followed Shen Zhi.

Shen knew how to choose vegetables, and even turned around to ask her opinion.

Lou Mengzhu was standing next to the shelf, and he could hear a man next to him sour.

"Why is that brother so powerful, he can get such a beautiful..."

Lou Mengzhu suddenly turned around and stared at him fiercely.

The man was startled.


She clenched her fists and asked, "Am I prettier, or is she prettier?"

The man froze for a moment, and seemed to glance over there.

"This one……"

The answer was given before it was spoken.

The difference should not be too obvious.

One is a bright and extravagant beauty type, and the other is an ordinary little beauty type with clear soup and little water.

Not on a level at all.

Who is more eye-catching, you can tell at a glance.

She didn't even need to compare to know that she was defeated.

Lost in a mess.

She closed her eyes, and she probably knew that she was humiliating herself by asking this question.

Her nails were about to bleed, so she turned around and left.

The back is straight.

(End of this chapter)

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