Chapter 2426 Rejection (54)

In front of the vegetable area, Yun Si glanced in the direction she left.

Seeing her go, he looked away.

Head tilted slightly.

"Shen knows..."


She paused.


Let's not talk about it, after all, that woman didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

She glanced at the direction over there again, thoughtfully.




When paying at the cash register, Shen Zhi lined up, and Yun Si waited outside the supermarket.

It was already dark outside, and the lights on the roadside were turned on.

Lighting up the side of the road, people coming back from get off work came one after another.

Yun Si was standing under the lamp, waiting for Shen Zhi.

No, the woman who followed them all the way appeared again.

She didn't go at all.

This time, it appeared directly in front of her.

His eyes were red and his makeup was worn.

Wearing high heels, suddenly appeared.

Stand in front of her and stare at her.

"Are you Brother Shen Zhi's girlfriend?"

Straight to the point, straight to the point.

Yun Si rolled her eyelids, "You are?"

She clenched her fists tightly and didn't answer.

"I asked you, didn't I?"

Don't ask her to answer this question.

As if she wouldn't rest until she answered.

Yun Si looked at her for a few seconds, "So what?"

"..." She looked like she was about to cry.

"Do you really like him? Why?"

Yun Si paused slightly.

I just saw her look like she couldn't accept the reality.

"Will you break up with him in the future?"

"..." Yun Si frowned.

She didn't seem to need her to answer either, wiping away her tears and talking to herself.

"Forget it, I can wait. I'll come back after you break up."

She looked up, looking directly at her.

"Although you are good-looking, I am not bad either."

"I won't give up, when you break up—"

"We won't break up."

Yun Si interrupted her abruptly and took a step forward.

The tall man had an obvious advantage in front of her.

Strong and stunningly beautiful, her eyes are light, and she is at the same level as her.

"We'll get married and he's mine."

"No matter how long it has been, he must be mine."

The man who just walked out of the supermarket with a big bag of things stopped suddenly.

Under the light, the bright and flamboyant beauty met the girl from Xiaojiabiyu.

The momentum is completely overwhelming, even convincing.

The immature young lady who couldn't bear it at all was so angry that she couldn't speak a word.

Sovereignty belongs to the other party, and so does the aura.

She has nothing, nothing can compare to her.

She took a step back, tears welling in her eyes.

Seeing Shen Zhi approaching, she bit her lip.

"I wish you happiness forever!"

Leaving this sentence behind, he turned his head and left.

The pace is extremely fast, and there is a posture of fleeing.

Yun Si: "...?"

The next second, the man's hand touched her waist.

The familiar breath approached.

"Sorry, I didn't handle it well."

He held something in one hand and kissed her.

She looked at him, expressionless, "Who is she?"

"The younger sister of the artist I brought is Lou Mengzhu. I don't know her well. I don't like her."

He lowered his voice and explained to her.

She snorted and didn't buy it.

"Unfamiliar? Then why does she keep calling you Brother Shen Zhige? So affectionate?"

He took her hand.

"Sorry, it is my fault."

"It's because I didn't make it clear to her that she misunderstood."

He didn't make any excuses, just bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Don't be angry, I will make it clear to her and keep a distance."

"She won't appear in front of you again in the future, I promise."

(End of this chapter)

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