Chapter 2427 Rejection (55)

"..." I told him everything, and apologized.

Good attitude, can't fault it.

She has a meal.

"What guarantee do you take?"

She snorted, turning her head to one side.

It doesn't seem to be really angry, but it seems to be an excuse.

The gentle-tempered man held her hand and squeezed it.

"I promised you that I wouldn't lie to you."

I don't know how to coax her, so I just promise so dryly.

Straight thinking.

"..." She squinted at him.

He took a step forward, and kissed her under the streetlight.

The evening wind in autumn is cool, but his kiss is warm.

Kissed her gently, in the watching eyes of passers-by from time to time, in the evening breeze that is slowly ushering in.

Can grasp her mind very well.

She also seemed to know what to do in order to match her petty temper.

Clever and cunning.

Like an old fox.

"Give me a chance, trust me once, okay?"

The voice was already sweet and melodious, but when the gentle request was made, it was even more difficult to refuse.

His pitch-black pupils watched her quietly, and under the light and shadow of the street lamp, her scene was completely reflected.

Holding her hand is very warm.

It's as warm as spring, a spring with gentle breeze and warm sun.

The already soft speech rate slowed down even more.

Slowly, word for word.

"..." Yun Si noticed the constant gazes from passers-by.

They were right at the front door of the supermarket, under the streetlight.

Too conspicuous.

Intimate and conspicuous.

Unexpectedly, a certain man completely ignored his surroundings.

He just looked at her intently and wrapped his arms around her.

"Can you? Si Si."

He doesn't care about the eyes of people around him at all.

Too comfortable and calm.

Looking at her, his eyes were dark and moist.

"..." She hugged his arm and pulled him away.

Leaving that bright and conspicuous place, I walked to the slightly dim side of the road.

"Don't seduce me."

She held his arm, her voice lowered with a little embarrassment.

She prefers soft things over hard things, and she doesn't know how he can tell.

In public, he actually kissed her.

She blushed slightly, and pulled him back.

Angry is really not angry.

Originally, I wanted to make use of it, but I didn't want to be teased if I didn't make it.

He was holding something and seemed to be taken aback.

When he walked to a dark place with few people, he seemed to lower his eyes and laugh.

Don't make a fuss, just follow her back.

"Okay, I won't seduce you."

His voice was a little hoarse with a smile on his face.




Back at the rental house, Shen Zhi opened the door.

After Yun Si came in, the door was still open——

It's like the little rabbit has entered the territory of the big bad wolf.

The big bag of things fell to the ground with a "slap--".

Mr. Shen, who was gentle, courteous and thrifty outside, directly pressed her against the wall.

Covering her lips, robbing her of breath.

Crazy as a storm, irrational as poisoned.

She never had a chance to react.

Unable to control herself, she took a few steps back.

Until there was no way to retreat, I was pressed against the wall.

The surroundings are completely filled with his aura, rushing towards his face, too strong.

The door was left open, and the lights in the room were not turned on.

The lights in the corridor are on, but the wiring seems to be a little old, the connection is bad, and the lights flicker.

Through the open door, the light shines into the house.

For the two in the dark, the subtle voices in the air were ambiguous.

Fiery to the extreme.

Even if the light from the corridor came in, it was impossible to get a glimpse of it.

All I could do was stop on the threshold and wait quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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