Chapter 2428 Rejection (56)

Time does not know how long has passed.



When the lights in the room finally turned on, the things were picked up again and put away.

Looking through the lights in the corridor, Mr. Shen, who was standing by the door, looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

Can't tell the difference.

However, her lips were red, her rigid glasses were taken off, and her flat shirt was a little messy.

The door of the room was gently closed.

By the wall behind the door, the person who had been pressed down for a long time had excessively red cheeks.

His eyes were wet and wet, leaning against the wall, panting lowly.

The jacket of the clothes was taken off, and only a slim knitted skirt was worn.

I was a little unsteady when I stood, and my legs were a little weak.

The ends of her hair were messy, and she looked like she had been severely bullied.

An inexplicably aphrodisiac floral fragrance is in the air.

Surprisingly rich.

The calm Mr. Shen lowered his eyes and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt unhurriedly.

As if it wasn't him who was crazy in the dark just now.

He was an elegant gentleman, not a beast who wanted to eat her.

Great contrast.

At one time, it was a little overwhelming.

Inexplicable horror.

She leaned against the wall, pursed her tingling lips, and looked around with wet eyes.

The small rental house is not big.

There was only a small single bed and a small table next to the bed.

Except for the toilet and kitchen, there is a little space left, which is barely enough for one person, and it is considered crowded for two people.

Standing side by side is considered crowded.

At a glance, the whole house can be seen at a glance.

She looked at it. Although the room was small, it was tidy.

It looks very clean.

It fits his style very well.

Her eyes returned to him again.

Her cheeks were still red, and the scorching heat still couldn't go away.

Shen Zhi raised his eyes, and his dark eyes met her.

Deep and deep, like a hidden beast.

Desire is undisguised.


He gently picked up her face and touched it lovingly.

A hair tie conjured up from nowhere in her hand, and slowly helped her tie her hair up.

Not very skilled, but very gentle.

Gentleman and gentle.

"Don't be angry anymore, huh?"

The tail sound is low and deep, slightly rising.

Treating her with a vague sense of satisfaction was like treating a weak and helpless animal.

From storm to trickle, the transition is too fast.

It's hard to figure out what his true face is.

There was only an inexplicable magic power that made her a little dizzy.

Subconsciously responded, staring at him without blinking.

Mr. Shen tied up her hair and pinched her face again.

The details are too poignant and exciting.

Yun Si looked at him, he put on his apron, and carried the freshly bought vegetables into the kitchen.

The kitchen is very small and can only accommodate one person.

His back was facing her, wearing an apron belt, his back was extremely ordinary.

With a thick human smoke.

Obviously there is no light on his body, and there are no characteristics that can be seen at a glance.

An ordinary back is ordinary everywhere.

But inexplicably, it is warm and beautiful.

Just calling people...

I can't control my heartbeat.

She watched quietly, watching him washing his hands while turning his eyebrows to her.

"Wait a while, the meal will be ready soon."


She stood by the wall, quietly.

"That person just now," he turned his back to her and lowered his eyes.

"Because of some things, I owe their family kindness."

"So I promised that I would take care of her in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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