Chapter 2431 Rejection (59)

She glanced at him secretly, then turned away again.

"that is……"

This kind of thing makes people blush, but she is too embarrassed to say it directly.

Just like a simple little rabbit, she tugged at him.

"is it okay?"

She knew he could understand.

Soften your voice, act like a baby.

It seems that he just knows that he likes this.

In the past, it has been tried and tested, and there will be no mistakes, she is very sure.

But this time—

"I try my best."

He said.

A slightly cool hand landed on her head, and touched it gently, as if touching a small animal.

His face was calm, with a slight smile.

"I'll try my best."

A calm and mature man, seemingly obedient.

It sounded like he had agreed, but under closer inspection, there seemed to be room for manipulation.

He only said that he would do his best, not necessarily.

That also means that in some special cases, he can't do anything about it.

The operating space in the middle can be large or small.

But Yun Si didn't think of this level.

When he agreed, his eyes lit up and he immediately hugged him.


The simple man was happy, hugged him, and patted him on the back.

"So obedient, I like you the most~"

Don't forget to confess your love and give me some candy.

Knows how to comfort him.

Shen Zhi lowered his eyes, rubbed her head, and said nothing.





In the evening, after dinner, it's time for a walk.

Shen Zhi drove, and the two went to the beach together.

At night, the car stopped on the side of the beach road.

The weather is fine tonight with little sea breeze.

In the distance, the dark blue mixed with black sky is scattered with bright stars, the bright moon hangs high, the bright moonlight is hazy, and the sea is calm and sparkling.

The wind of the waves is slightly warm, with a little temperature left over from the setting sun.

Slowly blowing along the waves, passing through the ends of people's hair, the air is extremely refreshing, with a salty smell.

There are not many people on the beach, most of them are couples.

They all came for a walk, and occasionally they could see people taking pictures intimately.

Yun Si got out of the car, and before she could do anything, her hands were naturally held.

Shen Zhi held her hand, his movements were so natural that he looked like an old couple who had been in love for a long time.

He held her with warm palms and tightly clasped fingers.

Yun Si looked at him.

His face was normal, and when he looked at her, he smiled.

He obviously didn't say anything or do anything.

But inexplicably, it gives people a very comfortable and reliable feeling.

Holding hands, standing beside her side by side, his appearance is plain but hard to ignore.

It's hard to ignore his presence.

"Let's go."

He led her down the road.

Step on the soft sand, under the thick and refreshing night.

Yun Si followed him, holding his arm.

Holding hands tightly, shaking and shaking.

"Speaking of which, I asked you out before, but you always ignored me."

She was humming, walking on the beach, holding a grudge.

Shen Zhi looked at her quietly, "I didn't ignore her."

The two walked along the coastline, his voice was very soft, in her ears.

Apart from her, only the wind can feel his tenderness.

Be patient and walk slowly.

"I didn't ignore you, I read every message of yours."

"Then why did you reject me in the first place, hoping to keep a distance from me?"

Thinking about it now, she still feels lost.

Shen Zhi calmly glanced at a couple not far away.

The man among them was obviously taking a sneak peek at Yun Si.

(End of this chapter)

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