Chapter 2432 Rejection (60)

She was born beautiful, and even in the dark, she was still eye-catching and attention-getting.

Fair and beautiful, like a charming ocean muse.

She was beautiful and didn't know it, she pursed her red lips slightly, looking soft and coquettish and dissatisfied.

Shen Zhi glanced at the man, then let go of her hand, and wrapped her arms around her waist.

She directly hugged her into her arms, and buried her pretty face in her chest.

Hugging tightly, bowing his head, smelling the fragrance of her body, breathing heavily.

It's like holding some peerless treasure that cannot be coveted by others.

The dissatisfied voice of the person caught off guard fell silent.

His hands fell lightly on his shirt, puzzled.

"what happened?"

Why... hugged her all of a sudden?
Shen Zhi kept stroking her hair and rubbing her head.

Dusk's sunken eyes are deeper than the sea and darker than the night.

The arms around her waist kept tightening, tightening, tightening again.

The person being held was at a loss.

I don't know how long it lasted.

When he let go of her again, the sea breeze had become a bit cooler.

There are fewer people around, no one pays attention to them anymore, and no man puts his damn eyes on her anymore.

She was hugged, her body was still warm, and her cheeks were still rosy.

After being released, under the moonlight, her beautiful eyes seemed to be washed by clear water, they were extremely clean, without any impurities.

Mixed with the pure moonlight, Yingying is bright.

Looking at him, the broken hair on his forehead was blown away by the wind.

The floral fragrance is light and permeates the air.

"what happened to you?"

She was much more careful, and could feel that his mood seemed not very good.

Touched his face, a little worried.

"Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

After the words fell, Shen Zhi hadn't spoken yet.

As a result, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Very inopportunely, interrupting the two of them.

Yun Si paused, looked at him, and took out her cell phone from her coat pocket.

It's an unfamiliar number, I don't know who it is.

She glanced at it, didn't recognize her, and was about to hang up.

Shen Zhi's dark eyes also fell on it.

Set for a second.

Immediately, when she was about to make a move, she caught off guard and snatched her mobile phone.


She was stunned.

Looking at him, hang up her call, turn off the phone, and put it in his pocket.

All in one go.

"..." She looked at him blankly.

The next second, he was hugged again.

Extremely strong.

"Don't look at other men."

He bowed his head, his voice suppressed hoarse and unclear emotions.

"Now you are mine, don't look at others."

Make no secret of his domineering and caring.

Cares to death.

He hugged her tightly, trying his best to restrain himself.

Obviously, it should be a mature and stable age, but suddenly became domineering and childish.

He was full of vigor, and gradually revealed his possessive desire for her.

"..." Yun Si was quiet for a while.

In his arms, wink.

His eyes are bright.

He hugged her, by her ear, closed his eyes, and breathed heavily.

Feeling her presence, I pressed my fingertips hard.

"Hey, don't look at other people."

"I'm serious, you are not allowed to play with me."

"If you dare to play, run away..."

At first he gave her a chance, keeping a distance as much as possible.

Try to stay awake.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Now he will never let go, never.

"Run away if you dare to play, and I will..."

"So what?"

She suddenly smiled and pushed him away.

"How are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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