Chapter 2704 The First Sight (1)




A long time ago, even before Yun Si had any memory.

She didn't know that the god who had always been soft-hearted to her had once met her once.

only once.

The only time.

They had met before she was born with wisdom and opened her eyes to see the world.

At that time, she was still a small flower seedling.

Free, growing in hell.

No one cares, no one knows.

In the blood-stained hell, at the beginning of the creation of the world, demons were rampant and ghost corpses were everywhere.

All chaos is undivided, there is no order, the spirit of killing demons has occupied layers of hell, and the tyrant is king.

It is difficult for the three realms of immortals, gods and Buddhas to control this place, and it is even more difficult to enter.

The God Envoys sent by the God Realm came one after another, but it was still difficult to suppress the chaos here.

Ghosts and ghosts are rampant, and monsters appear frequently.

The blazing bloody sun scorched the entire land, and there was no grass growing everywhere, only rotten flesh soaked the Wangchuan River.

The river is full of ghosts with limbs and limbs who died unjustly.

A giant beast full of eyes flicked its giant tail, flying away the mountain-like corpses; a magic snake covered with blade-like sharp scales crawled down and destroyed the land...

There are uncivilized beasts and ghosts everywhere, killing and violence, and there is no order at all.

Because of this, at the beginning of hell's chaos and disorder, the noble, supreme, cold and gorgeous god once came here in person.

Come to hell with the kindling seed bestowed by the Creator God.

The moment the magnificent god sprinkled the fire on the earth, the monsters fled, the ghosts cried, and the monsters ran away.

For a time, on the land where not a single blade of grass grew, only the raging fire remained.

The fire spread, and everywhere it went, it was turned into ashes.

The Wangchuan River was boiled, and the body parts were stewed into soup.

It stinks black.

At this point, the gods exterminated the demons and started to build the Eighteen-story Hall of Yama.

There are Yama and Rakshasa sitting in the halls layer by layer.

The order of hell was brought into order, and order was first seen.

A few days after God came, hell did not see the cruelty of the past, and the bloody day even faded away, hiding in the invisible.

A few days later, the god will leave, and Yan Luo bows his head to see him off.

After crossing the Wangchuan Bridge, when the fire was about to be taken back, God saw the little flower seedling growing tenaciously in the raging fire.

The seemingly weak and small flower seedlings were born on the soil mixed with blood.

A small plant that hasn't bloomed yet.

Looking from a distance, the tiny flower vines are curled up together, slightly stretching the slender leaves.

With a vigor and vigor that is unlikely to appear in hell.

It is tenacious and works hard to live.

Even if the fire is very hot, the whole plant will be wilted and lifeless.

But in this lifeless, barren and scarce land, it is particularly eye-catching and surprising.

It's like a touch of green that inadvertently appears in the desert, it's too rare, but it's extraordinarily precious.

As precious as gems.

God noticed it and stared quietly.

Yan Luo, who was sending them off, followed God's line of sight and noticed that poor little flower seedling.

Hua Miao shrinks miserably, like a pitiful little girl, hugging herself, without any cover around her.

The fire had consumed the body that covered it, and it had no shelter at the moment.

If the fire is put away, the whole land will be exposed, and soon, those ferocious ghosts will find it and tear it to pieces.

It is not a good thing for a weak life to appear here, without shelter, it will die.

God quietly looked at the poor Miao Miao for a long time, without moving or speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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