Chapter 2705 The first sight (2)

God quietly looked at the poor Miao Miao for a long time, without moving or speaking.

Finally, God left.

When leaving, God did not take back the fire that should have been taken back.

The flaming fire can destroy everything in the world, demons, ghosts, and even darkness.

Everything can be burned, which is extremely dangerous.

Now, for some unknown reason, God left the fire in hell.

From then on, beside the long road to hell, the fire will always be burning.

Lonely ghosts can't get close, leaving only the large piece of barren land empty.

And the only seedling on the land, miraculously, withstood the fire.

Work hard to take root, grow, and absorb nutrients from the soil.

Little by little, grow up.

The vines stretched out, and small pale white flowers grew out.

As the little flower grows up, the color gradually becomes darker, as if soaked in blood, it gradually becomes bright red.

The lonely ghosts around are always salivating, wanting to reach out and grab it.

But the fire is like the cruel and cruel soldier, standing aside and not letting anyone get close.

Even Yan Luo can't get close, you can only watch from a distance, and you can't be close.

Until thousands of years passed...




"Hey, old man!"

On the Wangchuan River, the old man on the ferry had just fallen asleep when his beard was pulled out.

Mischievous, laughing voice is weird.

"Are you being lazy again?"

Old man: "..."

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, "Who the hell can come and take your ancestor..."

He sat up all of a sudden, his plucked beard trembling, "Don't bother me, can you, little ancestor? I beg you!"

A certain ancestor with a childlike and extraordinarily naughty nature, dressed in a bright and moving red dress, sat on his boat canopy, shaking his legs and making faces.

"I'm bored, old man, just stay with me and play with me!"

She has played here all the time, and she has no fun to play, so she can only come to tease him.

"Shall we row the boat? Let's see who can row faster?"

As she spoke, she rubbed her hands excitedly, gearing up.

When the old man heard it, "Don't! No! No comparison!"

Last time she rowed a boat, she was too strong and almost set his whole boat on fire.

He was completely out of the shadows, no need, resolutely don't compare!

"You go to Granny Meng, Granny Meng is free, you go to her, she is free, she can teach you how to make soup—"


A big spoon came directly from a distance.

"I'm not free, don't let that stinky girl come over!"

That stinky girl is in a state of being hated by everyone at the moment. She is a bully in the world, and no one in the underworld wants to play with her.

She smashed her soup pot last time, and she still hasn't asked her to pay for it.

This time, I will not give her anything to play with, and I will never give it to her.

"Ah..." The beautiful girl sitting on the canopy drooped her head, pretending to be pitiful.

"You don't play with me..."

She poked her hand aggrievedly, and her white fingers poked.

"No one to play with me..."

Old man: "..."

"Where's Yan Luo? You go to Yan Luo and let him play with you."

Although Yan Luo couldn't cure her, there were many interesting toys in Yan Luodian.

When she was bored, she would go to Yan Luodian to play and play with the ghost messengers.

Although everyone doesn't want to play with her, the great devil in the world.

But at least, it can distract her and drain her energy.


The girl in the red dress pouted, with unhappiness written all over her face.

(End of this chapter)

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