Chapter 2708 The first sight (5)

Fortunately, she is not here.


"Okay, so why are you so nervous?"

She smiled and spread out the burden she had brought back.

"Do you want some snacks? I just went to the human world to buy them."

Yan Luo turned his head, "Don't eat."


She shared it with him with rare enthusiasm.

Yan Luo looked at her, "Why are you so nice all of a sudden?"

Don't look at her appearance as a well-behaved and charming girl, but in fact she has a lot of eyes, is wicked and loves to play.

He was teased by her every time, almost out of shadow.

So he is much more cautious now, for fear of being played by her.

Yun Si smiled harmlessly, and handed over a bunch of candied haws.

"Eat it, eat it, I bought it specially."

"Good friends are meant to be shared, aren't they?"


He doesn't know if she is a good friend, he only knows that she will play tricks on him and treat him as a toy whenever she is bored.

It hurts to think about it.

I should have known that when she was still a young seedling, he pulled her out and threw her to the wild ghosts to eat.

If it wasn't for the young master paying attention to her at that time, he—

Yan Luo, who was about to get up, suddenly became certain, and suddenly looked at the girl who was seducing him with candied haws.

The girl was born with red lips and white teeth, bright eyes and white teeth, and a little baby fat on her face.

The eyes are curved like crescent moons.

Lively and nimble, with a cunning personality like a fox.

Bright and moving, it is the incarnation of the weak little flower seedling back then.

And the place where Mr. Cai stopped just now seems to be the place where Xiao Huamiao was looked at from afar.

The distance is no more, no less, and no difference.

It seems that he came to see Xiao Huamiao.

Yan Luo froze, staring at her without moving.

"you--" wouldn't be what he imagined, would it?
He looked completely dumbfounded.

The expression on his face is even more puzzling.

"Hi, are you okay?"

Yun Si stretched out her hand and waved it in front of his eyes, "Have you lost your mind?"

Yan Luo didn't speak, just looked at her in shock.

As if she had done something very important.

Holding up the candied haws, Yun Si couldn't help but bite one, puffed her cheeks, and mumbled, "It's weird... If you don't eat it, I won't eat it, and I won't give it to you."

Yan Luo, who was easy to tease on weekdays, didn't know what happened today, and looked at her strangely.

There are doubts, but there are also disbeliefs.

After a while, he shook his head and started talking to himself.

"Impossible, impossible, I must be thinking too much..."

Jing said some strange words, as if bewitched.

"Impossible, impossible, maybe it's just a coincidence..."

"Yes... yes... it must be a coincidence..."

Seeing his bewitched appearance, Yun Si vigilantly stayed away for fear of being infected.

He tied up his own baggage again and carried it on his back, "You are so strange, I won't play with you anymore."

She ate candied haws and ran away quickly.

She is still a child at heart, very immature, and loves to run.

Yan Luo was left on the judge's platform, lost in thought alone, he hissed and clicked his tongue for a while, unable to sit still.

"It shouldn't be..."

It is possible that he was thinking too much.

After all, it is just an inconspicuous little Miao Miao, so it is impossible to make a special trip...

Poor Yan Luo, when he is old, he still has to figure out the mind of the gods.

The gods were silent and never revealed anything.

While comforting himself, he slowly let go of his heart.


He believed.

(End of this chapter)

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